WTS- Balance on Loyalty Card $500

Discussion in 'For Sale or Trade: Events' started by Boarider, May 12, 2015.

  1. Boarider

    Boarider n00b

    Going to be out of the game for a while and have $503 left on my card.

    I'd like $450 OBO paypal.

    I have the code to send to you and I'd need to pass your info to STT.

    Must have an active STT membership for the card to transfer.
  2. Boarider

    Boarider n00b

    How about $400 you cover paypal fees or as gift.

    That's 20% off.
  3. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    good for the rest of the year? I'm itersted
  4. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Loyalty cards have no expiration - this is a good deal.

  5. Rocket46

    Rocket46 n00b

    Sold . I will take it for 400
  6. Rocket46

    Rocket46 n00b

    313-743-7803 text me I have ur money.
  7. Boarider

    Boarider n00b

    R/T Performance hit me up first, just waiting for payment.

    So we'll mark this SPF.
  8. Rocket46

    Rocket46 n00b

    If he doesn't take it I will take it.
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
  9. Boarider

    Boarider n00b

    SOLD and paid,

    Thanks guys, I'll be back.
  10. Boarider

    Boarider n00b

    SOLD and paid,

    Thanks guys, I'll be back.

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