Paddock Life Made Easy - Tips, Tricks and Products!

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by Whitney Arnold, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    Oh.. That was you sleeping face down on the exercise ball... I though your back just hurt but know I totally understand!
    DirtNap likes this.
  2. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Omg... I just spit coffee.... Sorry Whit but your thread has gone to Hell...
    DirtNap and Ohio_1199DUC like this.
  3. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

  4. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    This has to be the Gayest post yet!

    196paul likes this.
  5. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    Now that's funny! To anyone who is looking at this post for what it's supposed to be, making friends at track days is part of the fun factor! I'm a beer drinker and a late nighter. This post proves I'm not alone, we have a lot of fun in the evenings camping out at the track. Looking forward to seeing y'all soon at Barber!
    R/T Performance likes this.
  6. josh7owens

    josh7owens What's an apex?

    One time I was at a tour and had the cars in grid, my co-driver was about a 100 feet out of grid puking in the grass. Good times, track day drinking is alway fun but I never drink the night before racing. It never works out well for me! HAHA

    To confirm this is a pretty gay post but from what I hear that's socially acceptable now. So do you boo. :p
  7. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    That's it... Karaoke machine is on the track day essentials! We want a live performance of this. Sounds like you had a sore throat when you were singing. maybe try a little better once your live.
  8. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    This was going to be a great thread to find tips and really cool products that can make your personal pit a better place and look what we've done to it ^^^^^^

    What's wrong with us?
  9. TooSlow

    TooSlow Getting Faster

    ^^ That's probably a pretty long list, but I think the fact that the season hasn't started yet is at the top.
    DirtNap likes this.
  10. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Whit sounds like you need the TugToner in your Pit..... Do a Youtube search...
  11. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    ^^^^^ Is that what Pedrosa used to alleviate arm pump?
    tnskydivr likes this.
  12. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Calling John M. Calling John M.
    Do you have something like this for your work?
  13. LATT

    LATT Take Only What You Need.

    I knew a guy once that had a gas can with a ball in the spigot tube. You would shake it and the ball would roll round and round creating a syphon so that instead of having to lift the whole gas can up and tilt it all you had to do was bend the tube into the tank and gas would flow.
  14. Oz1

    Oz1 Rider

    Somebody mentioned leaving everything in the trailer, but, what I started doing this past year was I bought a number of heavy duty totes. In one, we keep all our sleeping gear, sleeping bags, pillows, etc. The other I pack some of my gear in, like my helmet bag, boots, socks, undersuit, gloves etc. I also have a tote for food, like breakfast bars, dry goods, bread, plates, and any related stuff that doesn't have to be refrigerated. During the weekend, all worn clothes get thrown into the tote that the gear was packed into for the trip home. Totes come in the house so clothes can be washed and then repacked to put back in the trailer, food tote is emptied and utensils, plates towels, etc are repacked except for food. Doing this, I can come home from work, hook up the trailer, load the bike, gas cans and totes and we are on the road.
    DirtNap, r1madman and R/T Performance like this.
  15. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    another great one is space bags and a air bed inflator.
    we pack all our bedding in a bag. usually pillows in another it stay clean and insect free even if left in the trailer
  16. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    For ease of everything that is packing for a track day, I too have my 5x8 enclosed trailer packed and ready to go at any time. I have a large, plastic tote box with lid mounted to the floor in the V-nose section of my trailer where I keep my gloves, back protector, boots, helmet, tie down straps for my ez-up, sleeping bag, pillow, combo camping light/fan and a mister heater little buddy with 4 bottles of propane. My suit hangs in the front on a nice, strong hanger. On the left side I have my ramp, ez-up, folding cot and chair all held in place with bungee cords and eyelets which are mounted on the floor and side wall. My bike is centered with a front wheel chock and T-Rex trailer restraint and spare tires on the right if needed. I always have my bike prepped and ready for inspection/riding as I no longer street ride. All I have to do is grab my tool box (small one with basics), fill a cooler with beer and food for the weekend and a small bag that I keep my spare clothes and toiletries in. I can arive at the track, set up my pit space and have my cot and sleeping bag set up inside the trailer in just about 15 minutes. Takes about the same to pack it back up and go home.
  17. jsiegle209

    jsiegle209 Jeremy Siegle #288

    Anyone have good advice for securing stands in trailer. Everything else fits nice and snug but stands are always my problem
  18. ASM

    ASM Rides with no training wheels

    Depends on the stands...but I saw Pitbull now offers retainers for their stands...
  19. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    nice raxx is a great trailer storage, transport system. have them for the trailer, and home. Ski
    R/T Performance likes this.
  20. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    That is a cool product, where do you purchase it? LOL I have seen the kind that have pumps, handles, and a hose.

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