Track day things to bring list...

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by Robert Vlasak, May 5, 2016.

  1. Robert Vlasak

    Robert Vlasak Choices are never a bad thing

    Does anyone have a list or care to help me build a list of things to bring to the track above and beyond Bike, Suit, Gloves, Boots and Helmet?
    I am thinking
    Hand Towel
    Change of Socks
    Change of underwear
    Tire pressure Gage
    Bike stand
    Air Compressor
    Quart of Oil
    Set of tools
    Lawn Chair
    Someone much prettier than me...
  2. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

    gas can/extra gas for generator and bike
    extra key
    brake fluid
    any spares you have for hand/foot controls
    zip ties
    duct tape

    just to add a few things
  3. Scarpino

    Scarpino It's Smiles per Gallon......

    Shoot me your email address and I will send you my list (excel version) I use it every single time I go to the track. Its for a full weekend of goodies. If I only do 1 day...I cross out the items that are for the weekend. (pillows, blankets, toothpaste, etc..)
  4. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

  5. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    I've got one too....Word format. P.M (conversations) me your email address and I'll share my list with you also. Feel free to modify it, add to it, delete from it.....whatever works best for you.
  6. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Moonshine and gummies
    196paul and TLR67 like this.
  7. dsmitty37

    dsmitty37 Rides with no training wheels

    Do you have a canopy? Extension cords? Extra set of vehicle keys? Medical information and emergency contact info that someone could access in case of an emergency?

    I see you list a quart of oil...I would bring enough oil and a filter for a complete change...better to have too much than not enough

    My motto: 1 is none and 2 is 1.
  8. Shamrock

    Shamrock What's an apex?

    You are forgetting one thing.

    A change of underwear, for that "just in case" get off. :D
    934 TSX likes this.
  9. Scarpino

    Scarpino It's Smiles per Gallon......

    Nope....he listed it on his original post. hahaha
    Shamrock likes this.
  10. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    A tight Belt!
    196paul likes this.
  11. FZ1guy

    FZ1guy Hey - Watch this...

     Leathers
     Boots
     Gloves
     Helmet
     Visors
     Back Protector
     Chest Protector
     Tools
     Tire Pressure Gauge
     Gas Can
     Tire Warmers
     Rags
     Cleaner
     Towel
     Notebook
     Rain Suit
     GoPro & Battery
     Other Camera
     Tent
     Chairs
     Extra Shirt
     Socks
     Generator
     Extension Cord
     Compressor
     Spare Tires & Wheels
     Spare Tire for Trailer
     Lug Wrench
     Headache Medicine
     Reading Glasses
     Receipt
     Money
     Motorcycle Key
     Stands
     Chain Lube
     Trailer Ramp
     Oil
     Jumper Cables
     Bike Cover
     Duct Tape
     Blue Tape
     Long Underwear
     Air Mattress
     Flashlight
     Race Gas
     Sunglasses
     Phone Charger
     Tea
     Ice
     Snacks
     Water
     Cooler
     Trailer License Plate
     Pit Fan

     ______________
     ______________
     ______________
     ______________
     ______________
     ______________
    TLR67 likes this.
  12. jcrich

    jcrich What's an apex?

    If you are a younger man, you can omit the Geritol on Vern's list. :D
  13. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester


  14. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    Excersize Ball, loose fitting sweatpants and an invitation to the party! :D
    TLR67 likes this.
  15. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    After the last Barber Party I'm putting Brass Poles on my list!!!
    196paul likes this.
  16. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    Soon, we party, RA!!!
  17. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    You getting there Friday Paul? If so come camp with us man....
  18. Scarpino

    Scarpino It's Smiles per Gallon......

    FZ1's list shows an air compressor.
    Dont worry about brining one of those....instead just grab a bicycle pump....unless your trying to pump 20+ lbs of air.
  19. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    LOL......Damn Rich......I was almost sure that when you shared your list with me the Geritol was at the TOP of your list.
  20. 196paul

    196paul Track Day Junkie

    I appreciate the offer, thanks Marc! In my attempt to support MotoAmerica, I'm bringing my wife and brother with me and we have a motel room booked. We will be arriving Saturday around noon, I'll text ya when we get there to find out where you're at. Planning on partying with y'all Saturday and Sunday night. Riding Monday and then heading home.
    TLR67 likes this.

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