Plead Insanity Here

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by runninn, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. runninn

    runninn Rides with no training wheels

    How in the world do you get to the section where you see the prices of each event and actually sign up?
    One of those days...
  2. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

  3. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    And sign in of course
  4. Speak917

    Speak917 Rides with no training wheels

  5. vickisboytoy

    vickisboytoy BLP Racing

    Then, open wallet, close eyes, smile, repeat.
    s102000 and Speak917 like this.
  6. hellrazorr

    hellrazorr Rides with no training wheels

    You forgot weather watching after purchase. Ha!
  7. win979

    win979 STT Staff STT Staff

    No need to watch weather. Just bring your R#*N tires and have a blast!!!!
    furytom and vickisboytoy like this.
  8. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    Have extra rain tires... will sell ;)
  9. Cory Smith

    Cory Smith Rides with no training wheels

    What are all the cool kids using for r&#ns these days? Back in 01/02 the Bridgestones were hard to beat...yeah I know some of you younger guys were like 3...
  10. vickisboytoy

    vickisboytoy BLP Racing

    I'm not that cool or a kid, but I've used a few Michelins. They seem to do the job.
  11. win979

    win979 STT Staff STT Staff


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