Charges for ambulance ride?

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by jcw, Jul 1, 2019.

  1. jcw

    jcw What's an apex?

    I'm just trying to get some info, not trying to skimp on payment of debt.

    I had a trackday accident and took a ride to the ER from Autobahn CC about 1 1/2 years ago.
    I received a letter of debt collection today for the first time from some lawyer's office for City of Joliet EMS services.

    Of course it says it's the second notice and attempts to collect have been made before. I am 100% certain I have not received a letter before this one. But, whatever...

    I've paid upwards of 10 thousand for the accident in medical costs already with surgery, doctors, hospital bills. Another $400 this far out just feels like a kick in the balls.

    I know Nick is very proud of the fact he pays for EMS to be present at all his track events, and I deeply appreciate it in ways you could probably understand. But am I responsible for additional costs because I actually took a ride to the ER?

    If so, I will pay. Does anyone know?

  2. Prufrock

    Prufrock traffic

    They pay to have the EMS on site. If you get transported, I'm pretty sure that's on you. Someone else might have some more insight, but that is what I always assumed.
    R/T Performance likes this.
  3. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Ride is on you, but I would be asking why the original bill was never sent and now the collection will show on your credit report.
    In doing so you can verify this is a valid charge.

    Sorry to hear about the incident and glad your OK.
  4. jcw

    jcw What's an apex?

    got it. i can see how that makes sense, thanks guys.
  5. E-Van

    E-Van What's an apex?

    Did you have insurance? Sometimes there is a disconnect between the ambulance service and the insurance company. Usually insurance companies have a negotiated rate they pay which is less than the normal rate. I’ve heard of the ambulance services then trying to bill even though they’ve already been paid.
  6. cdenley

    cdenley Rides with no training wheels

    Like others have said, trip to the ER is on you. You must've been transferred from an on-site ambulance to one that took you to the ER which STT does not pay for.

    I would first inquire to the collection company, and if after that you it still shows as a late payment, I would dispute it with a credit company.

    You haven't mentioned insurance yet, but make sure they cover it correctly. When I got a ride to the ER, it was an itemized bill, and BCBS only wanted to cover the fuel costs. They gave me BS about "out-of-network" (would still be covered 80%), but after a few phone calls, they covered it 100%.
  7. jcw

    jcw What's an apex?

    No, same ambulance that picked me up took me to the ER. I never moved. Although I can see the reason for additional charges for emergency care administered on the way to the ER.

    I had insurance. I was going to start there. This was more a question of the additional costs for the ride.

    Having the ambulance RIGHT THERE is appreciated. Let me make that abundantly clear.

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
  8. cdenley

    cdenley Rides with no training wheels

    Things must've changed then. I haven't been there in a few years, but I remember waiting for ambulances to arrive and relieve the on-track ambulance before we could go on track again. Unless the arriving ambulance takes over trackside like a rotation, but then the ambulance wouldn't wait at the track for a replacement. I usually ride Blackhawk Farms, where the track has 3 ambulances, but we still needed to wait for one to become available at the last CCS round.
    jcw likes this.
  9. jcw

    jcw What's an apex?

    Now, if someone told me I changed ambulances for sure, I don't think I could argue with them. I was knocked out for a second...
  10. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    One Million Dollars!
  11. Hazman1990

    Hazman1990 Tom Tom STT Staff

    speaking from experience, yes you will definitely have to pay out-of-pocket expenses for the ride to the hospital. Stt pays for emergency medical and ambulance service at all events. However, if services are used outside the track those costs will be passed on to you the recipient.

    I received a individual bill from the ambulance service / city of Joliet for my little ride last year. I immediately forwarded that bill to my insurance carrier and contacted the ambulance service and notified them of my insurance information.

    By the way the response timeon track was less than 2 minutes. Can't beat that service anywhere
  12. Woofentino Pugrossi

    Woofentino Pugrossi What's an apex?

    As people are already saying, the bus ride is free IF you don't leave the track property. $400 is pretty cheap for one. Our FD here charge around $750min for a ride to the ER. Much like hospital bills, none of the bills come in any sense of order or timely fashion.
  13. jcw

    jcw What's an apex?

    insurance paid $1400. they still wanted me to pay $400 on top of that. It's paid and done. must have been using the racing gas...

    Next time, unless Im bleeding out, my wife is bringing me to the ER...
    she's a nurse. ;) jk

    as far as why it went to collection no one kniws. City of Joliet said their bill was returned to them undelivered and the address they had on file was correct.
  14. Woofentino Pugrossi

    Woofentino Pugrossi What's an apex?

    I'd call the insurance company and ask them if they paid the whole ambulance bill or just part of it. It could be the left hand at billing has no idea what the right hand in billing was doing.

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