Wanted: Tally Novice 5-24

Discussion in 'Want To Buy: Events' started by Jonathan S, May 19, 2020.

  1. Jonathan S

    Jonathan S n00b

    Got kicked out of my Novice spot for Tally on Sunday 5-24 due to overbooking. Looking to purchase a spot....
  2. thecurvecarver

    thecurvecarver What's an apex?

    I did too, in Intermediate group, then got another email saying it was a mistake that my spot was still available. So I guess I'm going afterall. I just logged in to see in Intermediate was available for purchase for that day because my buddy is planning on going but haven't bought his spot yet, and it only showed Novice to be available. So I'm guessing there is still room in Novice, call Crystal to verify whether or not you actually have a spot or not.
  3. Jonathan S

    Jonathan S n00b

    I’m not sure what is going on. Novice is definitely still showing in stock for Sunday. I was able to add the day to my cart just now like normal. I’ve emailed her so we will see what happens I guess.

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