WTB Barbers 28 & 29 Intermediate

Discussion in 'Want To Buy: Events' started by John Piwko, Mar 8, 2021.

  1. John Piwko

    John Piwko n00b

    I have the 27th booked because I was supposed to deploy back to Afghanistan, but due to covid travel issues I am not heading back across the pond for a few more weeks so it looks like I'll be able to do all 3 days. If anyone has 28 & 29 I group for sale hit me up Thank you in advance!
  2. John Piwko

    John Piwko n00b

  3. I have an Intermediate 28 and 29 day for sale
  4. John Piwko

    John Piwko n00b

    I will take both if you still have it I’m at rrr currently text me @ 808-485-9892

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