Brand new to track days. Advice?

Discussion in 'Sportbike Track Girl' started by ser0001, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. ser0001

    ser0001 n00b

    I'm getting ready to do my first track day at Barber, and I was wondering if you guys had any advice? I've been to several to watch and help out in the pits, but never actually gotten out on the track.

    I've been trying to prepare as best I can, but don't know what else to do! I'm a little worried that I'm going to be leagues behind the rest of the novice group insofar as I'm a little timid when it comes to riding in groups.

    Any advice on toughening up and jumping in there?
  2. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    I think you will find this much easier than riding in a group on the street. Just try to ride a consistent line and have fun. You won't have to worry about all of those street hazards.
  3. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Allow me:

    PIN IT TO WIN IT!!! :lmao:
  4. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    In all seriousness, when they take you up to the first classroom session they will ask you to assign yourself to a sub-group within Novice from 1 to 7, 1 basically being Intermediate pace lite and 7 being "I've never turned the throttle past halfway".

    Place yourself accordingly and then be prepared to be AMAZED at how much progress you make throughout the day.
  5. ridered

    ridered What's an apex?

    What he said! Our Novice instructors are absolutely awesome at taking you from never riding on the track before to being completely comfortable and picking up speed smoothly and safely.
  6. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Also, if you have some nervousness heading out there DON'T believe you're the only one. I still feel some nerves on Saturday morning and I'm sure many others do too.

    After 2 sessions I guarantee you will be past the nervous phase and having so much fun that you can't wait for them to call Novice class to hot pit.
  7. aubreyr6

    aubreyr6 Rides with no training wheels

    Don't stress yourself out and get all nervous, we will take care of you!

    I was freaked out my first day in novice but then met my instructor and the anxiety slowly started to ease. Between everyone else in the pits that will be available to help you out, the riders meeting and then the instruction in the novice class - you will be golden!

    See you there!! : )
  8. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Come have some fun.... Dont worry.... Ride like your in the Mountains ... As long as your having fun in a safe manner thats all we care about... fast or slow... It dosent matter..

    We can even have a coach follow you the whole time to block you if you want...
  9. Velox

    Velox Apex predator

    ^^^ everything above and leave the ego at home.
  10. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Trust me, most of us Instructors have had folks that were experiencing their first time on the track, AND mostly scared s*!tless. We love working with folks, both young and old, new and experienced, whatever the situation may be. Just be totally open to listening and learning and before you know it, the jitters will be gone and you will have a new addiction.
  11. r6boater

    r6boater Draik's Pit Crew

    Then start saving your money for more track days because you will be hooked.
  12. Cincy600

    Cincy600 n00b

    Just be open to learning and taking in everything that the instructors are teaching you and RELAX when you're on the track. So many people are just tense and amped up when they do their first trackday. Both you and the bike will do the best when you're just relaxed and smooth. Just start saving money now though because after a few trackdays the street will never feel the same.
  13. truckstop

    truckstop Rides with no training wheels

    Don't worry about having to push yourself way over your head, because the coaches will only ask you to go as fast as your comfort level. The experience is all about you and making you a better rider, so don't worry about the rest of the group.

    It's ok if you're anxious and nervous, many people are even after years of doing this. Just remember to breathe, and relax, and I think you'll be surprised at how much of that melts away in the first session.

    I got to sort of re-experience what my first track day was like last fall at Daytona. I wasn't racing, I had to work, but I did get out for a practice session on the team bike. I was terrified. That banking is super intimidating and I was out there with a lot of riders who were much faster than me. The first time up the banking I thought "OMG THIS IS STUPID I HATE THIS I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE". Then I came down out of it and realized I'd lived through it. Up again after the chicane and I realized "Hmmm... ok, this isn't so bad, look up, get higher on the wall, go faster... etc. etc." By the end of it I was kind of sad it was over and wanted to go again!

    It should be fun. If you're not having fun, have a chat with your coach and figure out how to make it fun, they're there to help.
  14. LilRichard

    LilRichard n00b

    First hit is free...

    And as others have alluded to, don't worry about toughening up. Just focus on the task at hand and trying to process everything going on. It's sensory overload the first day or two. It is very comparable to the first time you jump out of a plane. You just can't "grasp" all of it at one time.
  15. OBcbr

    OBcbr Keep Calm and Throttle On

    Expect to be amazed. I bet the first time you drove a car you were scared and driving a car is a daily occurrence now. Just go out there, take a few deep breaths to relax your body and enjoy the scenery. You're going to feel like a kid on Christmas when you wake up that morning and you start to get your bike ready. To me, it's the best feeling in the world and I wouldn't give it up for anything.
  16. ser0001

    ser0001 n00b

    Thanks for all the amazing advice, guys!! I'm starting to feel a little better hearing about how everyone else is a little nervous, too. I'm getting more and more excited!

    I've been warned about how addictive it can be. Already added a "track day" category into my budget. :thumb:
  17. hitchc21

    hitchc21 Rides with no training wheels

    Don't worry about being behind everyone else ride within your limits and just have fun. If you listen to your instructors, relax, and have fun the speed will come
  18. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Uh oh, you plan to actually budget for track days? As in keep track of how much you've spent??? :pound:
  19. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    This is SUPREMELY important. Don't force the speed, let it come to you!
  20. LilRichard

    LilRichard n00b

    Yeah, your budget will look like our current US financial picture: DEFICIT SPENDING.

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