Suit zipper help!

Discussion in 'Track Day Gear and Accessories' started by R6 Forever, May 8, 2013.

  1. R6 Forever

    R6 Forever Need more Grattan

    This is the result of my poly/pro neck gaiter getting stuck.
    Felt fine till.....
    It will not close, up or down, either zipper.
    How do I fix this?
  2. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    Take a bar of soap and try to get some of it in the stuck edges. Soap does a great job of freeing up zippers
  3. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    just don't end up like ben stiller in "something about mary"

    ouch !!!! :wtf:
  4. UN4RMED

    UN4RMED n00b

    Silicone Micro Lubricant
  5. R6 Forever

    R6 Forever Need more Grattan

    The zippers move up and down, but will not interlock the zipper.
    See how the suit looks, that's not right.
  6. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    time for a visit to the tailor for a new zipper. Ski
  7. R6 Forever

    R6 Forever Need more Grattan

    Thanks. About what I thought after spending 2 hrs on it.
  8. j.baxter

    j.baxter Rides with no training wheels

    I had my zipper repaired/replaced with a heavy duty YKK by barnacle bill! Fantastic workmanship
  9. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Any shoe repair joint or tailor will fix it.... (GET A METAL ONE/HEAVY DUTY YKK) Use Bee's Wax to keep zippin smooth...
  10. R6 Forever

    R6 Forever Need more Grattan

    Thanks for the help
    Packing for Grattan, with back-up suit.
  11. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    Getting stuff caught in zippers is a life-lesson :)

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