415 chain for Autobahn aug 5/6

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by guidout, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. guidout

    guidout Rides with no training wheels

    hey guys,
    loading the bike on the trailer I noticed the huge slack on my kawi 250 which means I'll probably need a new chain. Does anybody coming at autobahn tomorrow have one? It's a 415.
    If you do, are you willing to bring it with you and, if I will need it, to sell it to me?

  2. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Guido it's great to see your back on your feet, wheels.

    Guessing your ankle, wrist doing OK..

    Saw Jason at Putnam last week, not the same without you.

    Good luck this weekend, wish I could be there.

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