Jake's schedule

Discussion in 'Regional: WERA, CCS, etc...' started by Tdub, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    Just to let ya all know what is coming up...
    Starting off next Weds. Jake will be attending the AMA Amateur Grands TT. Then we will leave Thursday Morning for the WERA national at Summit Point for Fri. thru Sunday including the 6hr endurance. We will be staying out in the area as VIR national starts Thursday with Qualifying for Sundays premier 600 race. Jake will also do the Friday Endurance at VIR, the Saturday regional 600SS race, then the National 600 and 750 races...
  2. OliverG

    OliverG n00b

    Sounds like a steep tire bill!
  3. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    I'll see you at Summit & VIR! what happened to the girl he was supposedly hanging out with those weekends?
  4. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    We convinced him that was not in his best interest :wink:
  5. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    wise move.
    Just look at Stefano Mesa: that kid has girls on the brain and is crashing constantly. He's been through half a dozen suits already this season. it gets expensive, especially when your suit sponsor cuts you off and charges full price... :roll:
  6. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    Actually in all fairness to Jake, there were no "dates". He definately has girls on the brain (what 15 yr old boy doesn't?), but his commitment to his racing is second to none. He has a goal, and I think he will achieve it.
  7. mike.graham

    mike.graham Rides with no training wheels

    Sounds familiar and must run in the water around there. When Nicky won the world championship I remember someone asking him what he was going to do to celebrate. He said he might go have a beer. He said he had never had one. That, up until then, he would only do what was going to help him win a world championship. It sounds like young Jake is headed down a similar path.
    Hmmm, I wonder what would have happened if I............ never mind :)
  8. Rick412

    Rick412 STT Staff STT Staff

    See you guys at VIR.
  9. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    We should be getting there Monday night or Tuesday.
  10. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    Me too. I'm driving the RV from Summit & camping for the week.
  11. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    Lance, I just sent an email to VIR to see if they would allow us to do so. We will be camping as well...in the van/trailer LOL
  12. Rick412

    Rick412 STT Staff STT Staff

    Me and the Wife will show up Thursday. We are camping in the Wytheville(spell?) area biking and relaxing 4 days before the races. I will try and stop by on Friday would love to meet you guys.
  13. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    I'll be there with Chicke Hawk Racing. I'll be the freakishly tall guy in the :) :) :) :) :) :) t-shirt.
  14. Tdub

    Tdub SayWhat??

    We will not have camping available prior to entry for the event but, we could find a place for your trailer to be stored and you could stay in The Lodge or Villas if you'd like.
    There is a campground about 10 minutes up the road from us at Hyco lake if you'd like to camp there prior to the event. The link for them is: http://www.hycolake.com/

    Please let us know how we may further assist you.
    Thank you,
    Tammy Journigan
  15. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    not going to make it- Dave's support budget has been crimped by buying an 848 back-up bike.
  16. OliverG

    OliverG n00b

    Looks like the first leg went pretty damn well! Good luck at VIR

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