Jennings April 11 - 13

Discussion in 'RIDE SHARE TO STT EVENTS' started by rdecae, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. rdecae

    rdecae Rides with no training wheels

    I am currently heading to Jennings on April 11, 12 & 13. It is my birthday weekend. My current plan is to leave late Thursday, ride Friday and Sunday come back late Sunday, or can come back Monday. Took Friday and Monday off from work. I have flexibility so could leave Friday and ride Sat & Sun.

    I live at I-85 exit 107, Lawrenceville, GA

    I have Dodge Ram 2500 Mega cab, and 24' foot enclosed trailer, nothing fancy, sleep on cot, trailer has window air so it is cool and comfortable at night. Set up to haul three bikes and riders comfortably. Get a solid 13MPG pulling trailer.

    Or if you prefer I can tag along in your rig. PM me
  2. Dragunslayer

    Dragunslayer Asphalt Surfer

    Man I wish I lived in your neck of the world. I would be all over hooking a ride with you and sharing the ride. :-(
  3. rdecae

    rdecae Rides with no training wheels

    I can be flexible. I do not have to ride on Friday. I can ride Saturday / Sunday. I am flexible, just need at least one person to share costs. Atlantan's do not like Jennings????
  4. hurricanejohn

    hurricanejohn Professional Idiot

    Love Jennings, but got my own rig hauling two bikes and fancy smancy camping/sleeping gear. Might be down to one bike soon so may hook up with you. Going to Barber next weekend? I'm over in Cartersville up I-75.

  5. HarGee

    HarGee Rides with no training wheels

    Happy Birthday

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