March Barber Roll Call

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by Black Mamba, Feb 26, 2015.

  1. Swodi

    Swodi Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Marc, have you had Dogfish 60 or 90 minute IPAs? Let me know if you haven't and I'll bring some down. I gotta admit, they do make some nice beer up here.
  2. OBcbr

    OBcbr Keep Calm and Throttle On

    I'll be there!
  3. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Bring em.... I have had them but would love some more..
  4. OBcbr

    OBcbr Keep Calm and Throttle On

    Also may be looking for takeoffs if anybody has any.
  5. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    Now I have no choice but to bring some Bell's Two Hearted IPA. Very much my top pick for Michigan beers. :cheers:
  6. DrtDrftR

    DrtDrftR Rides with no training wheels

    I'm in, and I'll bring some Spotted Cow and Some Wisconsin Amber. Both great beers from "up nort."
    You can try both until there gone.
  7. GetOnTrack

    GetOnTrack Rides with no training wheels

    Barber in March

    I'm in for both days - first time to Barber and I cannot wait!:cheers:
  8. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Atlantic Brewing Company makes some kick ass Beer however when touring the Brewery in Maine this year I was saddened to find out they only Distribute it as South as VA...
  9. trae

    trae Renegade REALTOR

    I'm in and hoping to meet more of you. I love starting out my year at Barber! The gf and pops will be joining me as well.
    Now if I can just get the bodywork finished and painted in time for both bikes.

  10. Signguy

    Signguy old guy

    I'm in.....
  11. r6boater

    r6boater Draik's Pit Crew

    Draik is IN and will be pitting with the 129Photos crew.
  12. Toddgotfish

    Toddgotfish Rides with no training wheels

    Who wants crack???
  13. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    I do I do!
  14. Swodi

    Swodi Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    If there's anything you need from here in the northeast, lemme know. :thumb:
  15. Allen

    Allen Rides with no training wheels

    I'm in for both days in novice!
  16. Redhot

    Redhot Rides with no training wheels

    Sadly I will not..... I will be in Hawaii on a family trip (SO WISH I was going to Barber instead!).......
  17. Swodi

    Swodi Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Hawaii..Barber? That's really a tough one.

    No, not really. I'd rather be at Barber. :nod:
  18. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    I will have a set coming off the 1K RR that I will give you....They are in pretty good shape and will last you the weekend...

  19. dnarey

    dnarey n00b

    I'll be driving down from Chicago for both days!:rawk: This will be my first time at Barber. I'm super excited!
  20. onesaintsfan

    onesaintsfan onesaintsfan

    Count me in that number

    Big John
    03 999S
    McComb MS

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