MotoGP scoop:

Discussion in 'Pro Racing: MotoGP, SBK, AMA, etc...' started by gigantic, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

  2. I'm curious to see more in the future.
  3. DJ Baker

    DJ Baker Rides with no training wheels

    Looks Cool! I'm sure Biaggi will find something wrong with it. :wink:
  4. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    LMAO!!! :lol:
  5. dc130911

    dc130911 n00b

    Last two rounds??? Obviously they feel their 800cc can keep up with the 990cc. Doesn't matter though - like others said, Max will most likely start to complain and then they'll have no rider or he'll skid it across the kitty litter.
  6. So doe's that mean that his Umbrella girl job in Moto GP is over......... :lol: :lol: :lol: ........ Kind of like in the thread somewhere else in this forum. :p
  7. wpasicznyk

    wpasicznyk n00b

    Most GP experts expect the 800 to be just as fast and faster by the end of the year, 2007. They also expect it to be more expensive, naturally.

    Why would anyone hire Max when there are young kids with much more ability and much less biaggage!?? :roll:
  8. DJ Baker

    DJ Baker Rides with no training wheels

    Gazza McCoy is scheduled to ride it the last 2 rounds this year. He's always fun to watch, but I hope they have more than 1, since he's not afraid to crash!
  9. Stu

    Stu n00b

    Can't they just melt some of the Adamantium off of his bones & forge a spare one there @ the track?

  10. :lol: :lol:
  11. You sure that's not Dale Quartely in the white shirt :lol:

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