new to trackdays

Discussion in 'Riding FAQ' started by blake121685, Aug 23, 2009.

  1. I've never done a trackday and now i'm signed up for three of them when i'm home on R&R. if all goes as planned my flight from wonderful Iraq will land on the 31st of aug or 1st of sept I am gonna try and find a set of leathers as soon as i can and will be going to monticello on the 6th if anyone could tell me what i need to where under the suit it would help alot and anything special i need to bring with me to the track. I grew up in monticello so i know how to get there just not what to bring with me
  2. Welcome! People wear all kinds of stuff under their leathers but the basic set up is a pair of shorts and a T shirt that is made from some sort of moisture wicking sports material - like Under Armor or similar, if you wanted to get fancy you could get yourself a one piece undersuit. Here is a good one:

    The essentials to bring to your first trackday are plenty of liquids, you'll want to stay hydrated. Some healthy snacks for when you get a bit hungry and lunch if it's not provided. Other than that, you'll want to prep your bike for the group you'll be riding in, I'm assuming Novice for your first day. Prep info can be found here:

    In fact, this whole page has great first timers info on it:

    Also, one of the most important things to bring is an open mind to learn, ride safe and have fun. Keep it simple and you'll be back for more in no time.
  3. thanks that was a big help now all i have to do is hope i dont get delayed anywhere
  4. Brand-o

    Brand-o n00b

    +1 on the "moisture wicking" material.

    You can try under armor or nike dryfit (this is what I personally use). A cheaper alternative is the generic stuff from walmart. I also have a set of that to use if my nike set gets too stanky when riding multiple days in a row.

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