Roll Call Grattan July 1-4th 2017

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by R/T Performance, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    So who is all coming ?
    Wife and I are about to start packing already.
    This is by far one of my favorite weekends with the 4th of July fireworks to top it off.
    I will be there all 4 days camping from Friday night on
    j cal and JohnnyRocket like this.
  2. TheRabbit

    TheRabbit STT Staff STT Staff

    it's a blast... every year it gets better.. Theresa and I will be there!
    JohnnyRocket and R/T Performance like this.
  3. I'll be there at some point Monday, and of course for ladies day! I'm so freaking excited!! I'll look for you two and say hi!
  4. JohnnyRocket

    JohnnyRocket Low and Slow STT Staff

    I think we are coming.
  5. j cal

    j cal Rides with no training wheels

    Will be there for Sat/Sun
    NitroNick likes this.
  6. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    You better be your wife has another birthday party on Saturday
  7. JohnnyRocket

    JohnnyRocket Low and Slow STT Staff

    We're coming! We're coming.
    Trying to get a rise out of you.

    Wouldn't miss this weekend for anything. We look forward to this one all year.

    Try to save the 4th of July corner for Ivan's and our campers if you get there early enough. Seems to be a great spot for the party.
  8. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    in for sat/sun/mon :)
  9. ergarcia516

    ergarcia516 STT Staff STT Staff

    If I make it, I'll be there Sat and Sun.
  10. mfb2168

    mfb2168 STT Staff STT Staff

    in sat sun mon :)
  11. TheRabbit

    TheRabbit STT Staff STT Staff

    everyone and anyone always feel free to stop by and say hi!
    svpauly likes this.
  12. SVzuki

    SVzuki n00b

    I am likely in for Sat/Sun. What day are the fireworks?
  13. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    In for Sat, and Sun. first weekend for us. will be a rusty one. Ski
  14. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    Making excuses for not being able to keep up with me already???

    Traditionally Grattan owners and everyone else lights fire works off on the 4th from the island or in the mx side
  15. TheRabbit

    TheRabbit STT Staff STT Staff

    most likely it will be the 3rd.... atleast that's that's what it has been in the past..
    R/T Performance likes this.
  16. SGTJimbo

    SGTJimbo Found the apex, now what do I do with it? STT Staff

    In for the whole weekend
    svpauly likes this.
  17. PacMan

    PacMan Rides with no training wheels

    Where is that Grotten thing?
  18. TheRabbit

    TheRabbit STT Staff STT Staff

  19. JohnnyRocket

    JohnnyRocket Low and Slow STT Staff

    Are the leathers going to be a little tight? LOL
    R/T Performance likes this.
  20. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    not nice, going to have to school you now! :D dropped over 10 pounds, since I last saw you. been running, gym, and downing supplements. I should be good to go. bikes, and generator loaded. just need to pack pit stuff, and gear. 2 more sleeps. grattan bar Friday night for steaks. Ski
    svpauly likes this.

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