RS Taichi Suit 50/60

Discussion in 'For Sale: Bikes, Parts & Gear' started by renegade17, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. renegade17

    renegade17 Rides with no training wheels

    Rs Taichi suit, black, white, and silver in color. The suit is not going to win any fashion contests but is still very usable. Size 50 american. It shrunk over the last 8 months and I cant seem to fit in it anymore. Previous owner was about 6'2'' and 200lbs, i am 6 ft flat and wore it until right around 240.

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  2. renegade17

    renegade17 Rides with no training wheels

  3. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Might say which way it shrunk.

    I've got same size suit different brand. tight walking fine on bike.
    I'm 6'4" 240lbs.
  4. renegade17

    renegade17 Rides with no training wheels

  5. BrandDC

    BrandDC n00b

    I have RS Taichi's GMX Motion Air Jacket and pants which zip together to form a 2-piece suit. I'm curious about the torso length (collar to crotch) of their 1-piece suits. Dainese has me hunched over in a standing position whereas my AXO is a bit longer preventing the furious moose-knuckle effect. How does Taichi run? Similar to Dainese or a bit longer in torso length?

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