Sat 8/19 Putnam Crash

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by Flysamurai, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. Flysamurai

    Flysamurai n00b

    Hi, Could one of the coaches or advanced guys pls take a look at this and let me know what I did wrong ...?
    All I remember is hitting the curb (maybe grass?) and it was very bumpy (or was there a hole in the grass?), next thing I know was waking up in the ambulance (don't worry, I'm ok, no permanent damage).
    I've made it over the candy stripes before in Autobahn with no problems at all, not sure what's up with Putnam ....!? thx
  2. sjona2011

    sjona2011 Rides with no training wheels

    glad you're ok! looks like there was a little hole before the curb, but you turned in wayyyyyyyy too soon, hence going very wide. Next time you're back at putnam, swing wide after turn 1, get close to the outer curb, then late apex through 2 and you'll carry way more speed through there.
  3. hellrazorr

    hellrazorr Rides with no training wheels

    See those long dark patches? Setup to stay in between the patch and curbing. You will be right every time. Get back and show this track who is BOSS! YOU my friend!
  4. hellrazorr

    hellrazorr Rides with no training wheels

    Watch my vids. Hellrazorr37. I'm kinda a big deal around here.....sniff...ah...
  5. jcw

    jcw What's an apex?

    Isnt that called bump steer?

    You are leaned over, front wheel turned slightly, hit the bump before the first rumble strip, induced a hard torque in the steering and pulled the bars to the right.
    Might have been on the brakes a little too?

    The thing is that the issue wasnt the rumble strips, it was what made you go wide. Most likely it was your survival instincts kicking in, probably stiff on the bars, trying to steer into the turn and brake which stands the bike up even more instead of countersteering and hanging off to lean the bike more into the turn.

    We've all been there. I crashed in novice last time out.

    Sorry for the fall, heal up and get back out there!

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