southeast michigan

Discussion in 'Mountain Biking' started by e h donahey, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. A few of us ride on a regular basis near Ann Arbor, mostly a mix of urban trails, dirt roads, and bike pathways.

    We have some cool loops in A2 that are about an 1-1.5 hours.

    We also hit some hilly dirt roads on the east side of the Irish hills.
  2. B2Rad

    B2Rad Need More Seat Time :)

    sounds fun! wish i still worked in A2! i am going to rays indoor park in Cleveland this saturday
  3. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    Sounds awesome..
    Do you guys do this in the spring? I would love to come with.

    I've never gone mountain biking in freezing conditions, rollers seem more inviting right now :bounce:
  4. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    Are we talking mountain biking or dirt biking? Either way I would be happy to participate!
  5. Well this is in the "mountian biking" section.........

    So yes we pedal our mountain bikes year round weather permitting.
  6. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    Lol my fault. I pulled it from the new posts.
    Didnt even look what section it was in!
  7. tstuck

    tstuck n00b

    When and where do you go? I would like to join!
  8. no0one718

    no0one718 Shaggy

    I grew up on the west end of Canton, put a lot of miles on the gravel roads between there and a2. Hard to beat the "farm roads". Road bike Hines Drive?
  9. Rick412

    Rick412 STT Staff STT Staff

    I'll probably go a couple times when the weather gets better. But my schedule is goofy...
  10. rpg.galloway

    rpg.galloway Rides with no training wheels

    Not sure I have the gear for the weather, but post up when you're going and maybe on some warmer days some of us can come join you.
  11. We ride close to A2, dirt roads, trails, bike paths, pavement...

    A mixed variety as A2 has all of this within the city limits!

    Riding dirtbikes on ice for a couple more months!!!!
  12. Justin.Chmielewski

    Justin.Chmielewski Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Teddy, I will be up this weekend for some ice time.. I will let you know time and place once I know more.
  13. S3aturnR

    S3aturnR Rides with no training wheels

    since i got my fat bike, i love riding in the winter. normally i sit on my couch wasting away when it's cold out. now, as long as it's below 32 degrees, i've been riding a LOT.

    my local trails are:

    bald mountain
    addison oaks
    pontiac lake
    highland rec

    although i've only been to bald mountain and addison oaks in the snow. it's a great way to stay in shape during the off-season.

    hope to see some of you out there some time...

  14. bigol9r

    bigol9r Rides with no training wheels

    I'd be in, I'm sure my brother would join as well. Post up when your going out
  15. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    I'm close to the area and was looking to get into biking again. Glad this post came up. Now just to find a good entry level bike.
  16. Heading out wed at about 5:45pm from my house in north Lenewee County.
    Hilly dirt roads 90%, pavement 10%.

    Message me for my house addy if you want to pedal for 1.5 hours.
  17. cbr6racr

    cbr6racr Rides with no training wheels

    Any input on the Cannondale Trail SL2? LBS has them on sale for about half off, but I'm curious if anyone has any experience with this bike?
  18. Killer pedal tonight on some gnar hilly dirt roads!
  19. cbr6racr

    cbr6racr Rides with no training wheels

    Just curious. Wife and I are going this weekend to a couple LBS to scope out some new bikes. What's everyone's preference in the 26" vs 29" debate?

    I'm used to the 26", but are the benefits of the 29" worth it for the riding around SE Michigan, and the occasional trip to northern Michigan?
  20. B2Rad

    B2Rad Need More Seat Time :)

    i cant wait to get out on mine!!!!!

    @chad i love my 26 because its great for a mix of riding, downhill, trails, urban, etc. my next bike will be a 29 though but i will still have my 26. i dont know too much more about the debate besides a lot of guys i ride with have multiple bikes lol

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