Tank Camera Mounts

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by STTRIDR, Dec 27, 2007.


    STTRIDR n00b

    Hey guys, what kind of tank camera mount do you use? Im thinkin of gettin the Mantis because it is fully adjustable and will fit almost any bike. Any opinions? Thanks...!
  2. djbrady

    djbrady n00b

  3. [​IMG]

    This is basically what I have. Works great and like the poster above you can have access to your gas port still. The only down side is you can't get into full tuck down the straights.
  4. ads109

    ads109 What's an apex?


    I have the same tank mount as you, but I had a lot of trouble keeping the camera steady and upright (might be due to no windscreen). Half way into a lap the camera was pointing at my triple tree.

    Is there anything special you did to tighten the knob sufficiently to hold the camera still? Again, I think if I had a windscreen I might not have this issue. (My new track bike will have a windscreen.)

  5. Yeah I did have the same problem and I had a windscreen, the vibration would just always shake it loose. I tried tightening it down as tight as I could get it without tools and just felt it was going to strip the plastic out so I replaced it with a lock washer and regular bolt. Same with the bolt that goes into the bottom of the camera and there solid now. Just be sure to carry a few extras with ya at the track, I always seem to loose the lock washers. :oops:

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