Tell me how much I suck

Discussion in 'Riding FAQ' started by forcedinduktion, Jul 14, 2015.

  1. beac83

    beac83 Rides with no training wheels

    Jeremy and Derick have ridden countless laps at BHF. They always have great advice.

    I'll also suggest you check out the Ken Hill Podcasts. Do a search on KH Coaching on your favorite podcast supplier.
    Start with podcast #'s 1-6, which is "the order of the sport" series. This will remind you of the priorities on the track, and how to tell if you are doing OK or not.

    Ken is an excellent coach, and has a great ability to explain things so that they stick.
  2. ecsiders

    ecsiders Rides with no training wheels

    What are you using to record this? I love the view and all the stats to the lower right (Speed, Brake, etc...)
  3. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    you suck
  4. Nice feedback!

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