Track day in the rain?

Discussion in 'Riding FAQ' started by noobracer, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. noobracer

    noobracer n00b

    Hey guys need some expert advice here!

    Im doing my first track day in the rain. I normally run mid to high intermediate and im going to putnam which i know very well the question i have for you is any tips on riding in pouring down rain?

    I know the basics of ride smooth and smart and take it down one notch from normal but can you elaborate on that a little!

    First and foremost i swapped out my power ones with a set of battalax rain race tires E067Z i belive what pressure should i run and should i run my warmers?

    Also my riding style i have never discussed with anyone but i have a bad habbit of chopping the throttle going into a turn and when im in the turn i adjust my speed via the throttle or maybe a little trail braking but i also have a habit of moving in the turn a lil also anything to help me out there?

    Im more comfortable with my knee on the ground but with the way its going to rain im a lil concerned! Anyone have any tips on the particular track im going to "putnam" in the rain?

    And there is a chance it could be a lil spotty as far as rain goes when will i know when to switch the tires out? How wet is wet and what is damp?

    basically im just looking for a lil elaboration on what to do and what not to do and thank you guys for your time! :wink:
  2. 600dubbar

    600dubbar Rides with no training wheels

    well dont know about the rest but rainx on the outside of the visor and shaving cream on the inside keeps it from fogging!
  3. on2wheels

    on2wheels Rides with no training wheels

    Don't bother with the warmers for three reasons: water could damage the warmers, if there is standing water on the track it will cool your tires down quickly making warming them moot, and if you don't have adjustable warmers you could overheat your rain tires.

    Use less trail braking (some would say none).

    Also if you aren't seeing spray off the tires, you shouldn't be running rain tires as they will overheat.
  4. noobracer

    noobracer n00b

    ok thanks guys i was wondering about my warmers i have the woodcraft digitals and they sent me a paper saying they use them but i was thinking the same thing as water would just cool the tires down dramatically! :?
  5. 1) Rain tires don't use warmers, you'd jsut roast them regardless of what temp you put the warmers on
    2) As a wise man once told me - they are rain tires not monsson tires - avoid the puddles
    3) chop the throttle and you are likely going to be on your butt - forget trail braking unless you are in the weeds otherwise
    4) first time on rians - slow down and get used to them - it's REALLY different
    5) no spray - time to changet he tires out.....(2wheels got that one right on the head in my book)

    so to recap - brakes in the pouring rain are a straight up and down thing, standing water on the track = have some lunch and watch....
  6. jay956

    jay956 n00b

    how the hell am i supposed to see through shaving cream!
  7. 600dubbar

    600dubbar Rides with no training wheels

    LOL....No you wear it who doesnt need a nice shave while riding i know i do! :lol:

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