'03 GSXR 750 Flat Seat Pan ?

Discussion in 'Performance & Technical' started by Jacksondee, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Jacksondee

    Jacksondee Rides with no training wheels

    After about a year of riding the thing, I just had a revelation this weekend that I should be pushing my butt all the way back in my seat while I ride. Gave me much more feel and better control in turns.

    I have a race tail, but stock seat. The stock seat has an incline to it that pushes my junk against the tank. So that's how I was riding, all the way forward, as the seat is curved that way.

    I think best for me would be a flat seat pan with the piece of thick foam on there as the seat.

    Was told to look for new seat pan, but having lots of trouble locating what I want on the google machine.

    Anyone gone through this with their older GSXR before? Can I fabricate something myself? Shave some of the foam off the current seat to make it more flat, etc?
  2. kisertn

    kisertn What's an apex?

    I'm confused on this topic. I also thought that sitting back was the right thing to do. But I was watching videos on motovudu.com (Simon Crafar's website/business) and he is adamant that except for long straights that you should have yourself up near the tank for maneuverability and bike stability.
  3. Jacksondee

    Jacksondee Rides with no training wheels

    I'm not sure I'm doing it right. But I'm a big dude, 6'4". Riding all the way up against the tank put a lot of stress on my knees. I was crouched in a very unnatural position.

    Sitting all the way back and moving my rear sets all the way forward helped with the extreme bend in my knees. More like I'm riding a horse now instead of some very uncomfortable forward crouch with extreme knee bend. It also feels like my weight is better distributed on the bike now, and made turning feel a little easier.

    Still no luck finding a flat seat pan. I think part of the issue is that the rear subframe is also very much sloped towards the tank.
  4. sammPD4075

    sammPD4075 Knows an apex

    im 6'4" and put my rearsets all the way up and back, my stock seat is fine and i purposely put my weight forward to get more weight over the front for more grip then slide back onto the straights for the rear grip i need
  5. Jacksondee

    Jacksondee Rides with no training wheels

    Alright well maybe I am doing it wrong. Felt way more comfortable to me though. Should have prefaced that by saying I'm a mid-pack Novice rider...
  6. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Rides with no training wheels

    I"ve never seen a flat seat before. The subframe almost always has some slope to it. You can try shaving the seat foam but since you are so tall realize you are making the seat shorter and your knees will be bent more. I also know this sounds bizarre but don't put your rearseats (if adjustable) all the way back and up. I have mine all the way forward and up maybe halfway (vortex brand). This has saved me a lot of discomfort and I'm only 6'1.
  7. Jacksondee

    Jacksondee Rides with no training wheels

    I did put my rearsets all the way forward. This made me much more comfortable. Now I want a seat that doesn't have quite as much slope to it.

    I think I just found the tail I want. Though pricey.

    That's what I mean, I can just lay some foam on there and hope for not as much of a slope as the stock seat.
  8. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Rides with no training wheels

    Shaving the foam is free :) On my SV I'm planning on ripping off all of the foam and just gluing a seat pad onto it.

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