2016 National Anthem Memorial Day

Discussion in 'STT News, Announcements' started by Gunshow Nick, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    Hello everyone,

    Here is a link to the Memorial Day National Anthem

    We honor, respect, and appreciate those who serve, have served, and perished in the line of duty. Freedom is not free.

    Questor302, rktdoc, STAFF and 9 others like this.
  2. Zach

    Zach Rides with no training wheels

    I was there and as a military veteran, sincerely appreciate the recognition.
    This is a great community and I'm hoping to be a part of it, forever.
    Questor302 and Gunshow Nick like this.
  3. Well done on that video. :)
    Questor302 and Gunshow Nick like this.
  4. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    Thank you and you're welcome
    Questor302 likes this.
  5. Coret02748

    Coret02748 n00b

    Questor302 likes this.

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