The Conversation

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by DachshundUberAlles, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. DachshundUberAlles

    DachshundUberAlles Rides with no training wheels

    I talk my way around the track through my sessions, mostly giving myself reminders and admonishments, though I do mix in the occasional soundtrack humming. Most common things are:
    "Holding on too tight".
    "Use your legs".
    "Ahh, an instructor. Chase 'em and see if you can get in a groove".
    "Whoa, fast one! Not keeping that one in sight for too long".

    I can't be the only one who does this.
    indy likes this.
  2. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    I's say that you aren't alone in doing the talking in your helmet while on the track, might be the only one I know that admits it! :D
    skidooboy likes this.
  3. soad

    soad Rides with no training wheels

    if you talk to yourself on track, it forces you to breathe, as well.
  4. mutineer

    mutineer wanderer

    Hold on

    Hold on

    There are people that don't?



    Then I don't either
  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    All in the same turn....

    Brake Brake Brake!!

    Oh shit....

    Was that God?

    There goes David Grey.......
    Liquidsilver, svpauly and SGTJimbo like this.
  6. jcrich

    jcrich What's an apex?

    I think I say this one most regularly. :D
  7. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Rich, I thought you were always saying.....

    "Oh Shit......I can't believe I bought a Honda" :D
  8. Nate

    Nate n00b

    "Oh there goes a coach...i'll chase him...i wonder if his line is going to be different (he was on an R3 i was on my R1) he going to brake...he must brake...oh shit" as he scoots through the same corner at 30-40mph faster than me.

    "i wonder how this will end"

    "not bad"

  9. titanium.elf

    titanium.elf Rides with no training wheels

    I think talking to yourself in your helmet is some what normal.............I start to get concerned when I get replies :eek:
    PacMan and skidooboy like this.
  10. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    I'll admit it.. Only problem, I'm thinking it, so now I need to add. Say it out loud and breath.

    SAY it dummy so you can breath more.
    DachshundUberAlles (would love to hear the story behind that name)
    You left out, how in the heck did he hold that line.
    Doing great, OK was doing great until I was passed like I was standing still.
  11. Shamrock

    Shamrock What's an apex?

    I don't verbally talk in my helmet, but I do talk to myself in my thoughts. My mouth is too busy breathing.
  12. jcrich

    jcrich What's an apex?

    Says the guy with Honda underwear that Peggy told me about. :p
  13. DachshundUberAlles

    DachshundUberAlles Rides with no training wheels

    Working back from current to origin:

    I've only ever had Dachshunds.
    Dachshunds are German in origin.
    German national anthem adopted by Weimer Republic in 1922.
    Line from poem written to commemorate Emperor Franz birthday in 1841.

    Basically translates to "Dachshunds, above all else".
  14. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Well thanks, learn something new everyday..
    My grandmother was German, hot little temper she had.
    Only food she made I liked was German potato salad.

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