Track Day Tape - Rumblestrips

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by Rumblestrips, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. Rumblestrips

    Rumblestrips Track Ready

    Has anyone tried Rumblestrips track day tape instead of "painters tape". It's 2 inch wide x 105 feet and won't leave a sticky residue.

    FullSizeRender (1).jpg IMG_8528.JPG View attachment 8458 unnamed2.jpg IMG_1804.JPG
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
  2. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Sure hope this is from a authorized seller. If not it's SPAM.
    Didn't make it easy to find it, didn't find the 2" size, at 3 times the cost of blue tape.

    Never did see how this was better than blue tape, which doesn't leave residue.
    TLR67 likes this.
  3. Rumblestrips

    Rumblestrips Track Ready

    Hey, Indy thanks for checking it out. The price is very comparable to 2" painters tape out there. I would be willing to give you or friends a discount if you would like to try a roll of Rumblestrips track tape.

    Rumblestrips is not necessarily "better" it is just another option to painters tape. Rumblestrips is a brand made by riders for riders. This is for dedicated riders who would like to represent a track day brand. Not a tape designed for painters.
  4. Smalls

    Smalls What's an apex? STT Staff

    This forum is for legitimate product reviews by riders and Stt members.....Not a forum for you to try and sell your product. Please DO NOT post your for sale products anymore. If you wanna sell your stuff, contact the admin for the forum.
    skidooboy and TLR67 like this.
  5. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    And most dedicated track riders don't need any tape... 1st post I say spam... No intro nothing? Just buy my rumble strip tape? Lame....
    Dsc194, skidooboy and R/T Performance like this.
  6. Rumblestrips

    Rumblestrips Track Ready

    TLR67 not everyone can afford to have a dedicated track bike or track plastics, hence the guys who use painter's tape. That's why there is this product, Trak Tape for the weekend warriors. I wanted to create an fun alternative to painters tape and the expensive one time use of Trak Tape. It's also a way for riders to individualize their bikes out on the track. I wanted to release more colorways in the future.

    I said "Has anyone tried Rumblestrips track day tape instead of "painters tape". It's 2 inch wide x 105 feet and won't leave a sticky residue." where in that does it say buy my product?

    As you know track days and this sport in general can get expensive. I'm just a guy trying to find a way to help pay for my love of the sport and I thought my fellow riders would be supportive.

    I am very sorry if I upset you and the rest of the STT community. This is my first time joining a forum and did not know proper etiquette. I don't have a fancy website or marketing money to promote a dream of mine. I thought I could use a platform like this to do marketing and connect with other dedicated riders and get the word out there.

    I did not intend to SPAM you or anyone. If you would like I can delete this post.

    Thank you,
    Dsc194 likes this.
  7. Scarpino

    Scarpino It's Smiles per Gallon......

    As you know track days and this sport in general can get expensive. I'm just a guy trying to find a way to help pay for my love of the sport and I thought my fellow riders would be supportive. I'm a guy who loves the sport also.....but don't go around trying to sell bottles of water for 3x's the cost....because " I thought my fellow riders would be supportive".

    This is my first time joining a forum and did not know proper etiquette. I highly doubt this...... Heck, I have trouble trying to figure out how to attach a single image, yet you have an multiple images. Might I add, the pictures you posted are certainly you trying to market a sale or sales. A photo of you and a very well known racer, a image of your product, and an image of what's suppose to be your product on which you made sure was circled for everyone to know what they were looking at. Sad part is, it looks like green painters tape! o_O
    You clearly don't have to say "Buy my product" for you to say "Buy my product".

    I don't have a fancy website or marketing money to promote a dream of mine. Perhaps you should create your own domain to market & sell like all other go-getters. In all just stated it was a dream of yours.

    I thought I could use a platform like this to do marketing and connect with other dedicated riders and get the word out there.
    So what you're saying that you want to use someone else's hard work and life long dream that has come true for them.... to ride it for your own and hope to accomplish your very own personal gain?????? That sir is embarrassing.

    I did not intend to SPAM you or anyone. If you would like I can delete this post. - Probably your best choice.

    Rant off- /Thread
  8. Rumblestrips

    Rumblestrips Track Ready

    Thank you for all the feedback everyone. I have clearly upset all of you and that was not my intention. My name is Eric and if you would ever like to talk on a one-on-one level please message me.
    Dsc194 likes this.
  9. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    Good recovery. Will give benifiet of doubt on new to a forum and your great on computers.

    Just about every forum I have been in has something like this.

    "This forum is 100% for the non-commercial use of our members. If there is a commercial post, it has been pre-approved by Nick, Trevor, or Richard and will clearly state who approved it.

    You must have a post count of 5 or more prior to selling here. Selling is a benefit to our members.

    Items not allowed to be posted:

    Any other orgs track days... Go to their site and post.

    More than (2) individual tires or one set. New or used. This is not an outlet for your used /extra tires.

    Any untitled frames or motorcycles. We HATE theives and those who enable them.

    Links to any other commercial site.

    Solicitation of any kind."

    SO.. IF you still can edit your first post and refer to your NEW members section thread.

    Take some time, learn about the forum.
    Work out how you can following the forum rules sell your product.
    For those who don't have a dedicated track bike this product might be worth the difference. I've seen people use many layers of painters tape to block the light.

    On the Tiger forum, I donated 10% of the proceeds of each sale to the forum. Supported the forum vs eBay and PayPal.

    This group is a easy going bunch. Ask for a pardon I'm sure it will be given.
    At least you were not selling some new pill and weight loss which I have seen.
    Rumblestrips likes this.
  10. Rumblestrips

    Rumblestrips Track Ready

    Thanks Indy. I've been using a computer for many years (I'm 37) so uploading or learning new platforms are fairly easy to me. Apparently reading "terms of service" are not my strong points o_O. I'm not big on writing content or the go-to guy for answers on technical stuff, I guess that's why I've never joined a forum. I hate SPAM and I was not trying to do that to you guys.

    I'm waving the white flag. Not the final lap flag but the "I come in peace" flag haha
  11. Dsc194

    Dsc194 Rides with no training wheels

    Didn't upset me.
  12. indy

    indy What's an apex?

    I'm not upset and or mad..

    Hope you do a normal introduction in the general section.
    Imagine you have owned a motorcycle or four, actively doing track days? Would guess so if you came up with this product.
    What's your track bike. Track's you ride?

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