Anyone out there still doing track days with artificial hip and/or knee?

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by consciouspilot, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. consciouspilot

    consciouspilot The Invisible Man

    If so would you mind posting on this thread how satisfied you are with the outcome? Also, I would like to know what limitations it has put on you and your riding as well as any other information you feel comfortable sharing.

    According to my doctor(s), they are suggesting joint replacement(s). My concern, especially with the hip, is squatting into a riders position on a sport-bike could cause dislocation. I am a very active person and know replacing joints is a life changing thing. The doctors I talk with, and those who have had the procedure, don't don't do track days or ride motorcycles at all for that matter. This is why I am requesting input from fellow riders. Your responses will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. roadracer143

    roadracer143 Rides with no training wheels

    No issues with my hip. I shattered and dislocated it racing back in 2000. 3 years ago to the day almost I have a full hip replacement. No issues riding or racing mater of fact i was feeling better the day i left the hospital than when I went in. I was walking 3 days after the replacement and work 1 week after the surgery. I am still racing.

    Attached Files:

    consciouspilot likes this.
  3. consciouspilot

    consciouspilot The Invisible Man

    Thanks for your reply. It looks like your pelvis was also busted up because it appears to have some screws and plates in it as well as the total hip replacement. I can tell by your track picture that you have full rotation of the hip too. Awesome and encouraging!

    I broke my hip many moons ago and lost 30 degrees rotation from that point to present. Now Mr. Arthritis has settled in and discomfort and further limitation of movement has prevented me from doing track days this year. I'm currently doing PT with limited success.

    Thanks again, and I wish you continued success!
  4. Similar boat here - arthritis & limited range of motion has gotten so bad that even sitting on my 1000 was all but impossible this past year. Scheduled for full hip replacement in February 2018. I've been told it will be much better afterwards. Really hoping so!
    consciouspilot likes this.
  5. consciouspilot

    consciouspilot The Invisible Man

    Had full hip replacement four weeks ago in February. Hoping for the best. Too early to tell very much at this point. Hope to be able to ride on the street in another 4 -6 weeks. Guessing I may be able to hit the track in early fall?
  6. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    I've got dentures...........does that count? :D

    Sorry.....I just couldn't resist!
    The.Johnner and Wimmo like this.
  7. mbutterf

    mbutterf Rides with no training wheels

    Just FYI, that is a lot of HIPPA info on your radiograph, May want to scrub and repost. You can do with many apps or in the dicom you have change the display and save.
  8. roadracer143

    roadracer143 Rides with no training wheels

    I could care less.
  9. LATT

    LATT Take Only What You Need.

    Could you mountain bike or motorcross?

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