Roll Call: Autobahn June 9th/10th

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by Anthony Cano, Jun 7, 2018.

  1. Anthony Cano

    Anthony Cano AC792

    Who’s going this weekend? I’ll be there early Saturday morning and it will be my first weekend in the I group. Looking forward to it and hoping the rain holds out!
  2. jcw

    jcw What's an apex?

    Here for Sunday.

    EDIT- UUUUGGGGHHHH!!! my axle nut seized and I stripped my right hand axle block. Anyone have a spare axle block for a 11+ gsxr750? If not, I'm SOL.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2018
  3. Tim Lenahan

    Tim Lenahan STT Staff STT Staff

    I'll be there all weekend, arriving Friday night!
    wesburke likes this.
  4. wesburke

    wesburke n00b

    I will be there Saturday! Just putting the plastics back on right now the old beast. Congrats Anthony on the I Group! I think we road both in Novice on that 100 degree day, see yah all tomorrow! Pumped.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
  5. Anthony Cano

    Anthony Cano AC792

    Thanks Wes! I’ll be there tomorrow with a Silver enclosed trailer and Black Aprilia RSV4 with Gold rims. Stop by and say hi if you see me!
    wesburke likes this.

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