Gratten 5-16 &17 CV-19 news?

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by Buffalo_Bill, May 6, 2020.

  1. Buffalo_Bill

    Buffalo_Bill Rides with no training wheels

    Hey Folks, I signed up and am wondering if: will happen, and will camping be ok and normal?
  2. STTJulie

    STTJulie Administrator Staff Member STT Staff Director

    Hi Bill,
    Thank you for your business! Yes, camping will be allowed as usual. Each registered customer will receive an email with current procedures, etc for the day in light of new social distancing rules, etc - as is expected. We do ask that family, friends, non-rider companions be kept to a minimum but we are not limiting entry to only registered riders.
  3. fireduc 916

    fireduc 916 Rides with no training wheels

    Any changes with the latest stay at home extension by whitmer? Will event be held? Thanks
  4. Sportbike Tire Service

    Sportbike Tire Service Rides with no training wheels

    Grattan is a go! Sportbike Tire Service will be there as well with the new Michelin tire lineup. See you there
  5. STTJulie

    STTJulie Administrator Staff Member STT Staff Director

    Yes, Grattan is a go as scheduled. We will be emailing registered riders dirty of new logistics, as expected.

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