+++ Tally Memorial Weekend Track-fest-o-rama +++

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by mastermindtrev, May 6, 2012.

  1. ridered

    ridered What's an apex?

    Somehow Jimbo figured out a way to snap his rear sprocket while shifting. The chain basically stayed intact and smacked his case.

  2. Derrick

    Derrick Rides with no training wheels

    I think he may have caught a false neutral and went the wrong way when shifting into gear...I'm sure he'll be along to clarify...

    Sorry Jimbo! You're due up for some better luck.
  3. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    So, basically he was riding a "chain saw"!!!
  4. motorsportsaddict

    motorsportsaddict Rides with no training wheels

    What a great weekend. Thanks to the coaches for all their help. I really appreciate and look forward to my next track day.
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  5. mamasaun

    mamasaun n00b

    That's ok Little Buddy, next time you can park by us. When we're grilling out and singing karaoke, we'll see who wants to be your friend then. :thumb:
  6. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Yep. Now I cant cut any trees. Ive got to tear it down to see exactly whats wrong with it

    If its bad I have already located a motor

    Just got to get a motor fund going :lmao:
  7. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    Sorry you had trouble Jimmy, I guess you should have come with me instead :rawk:

    See you at Barber in two weeks?

    Attached Files:

  8. Neveu929

    Neveu929 n00b

    Thanks again everyone for the awesome time. I know I had a few close ones, but it was still a blast. Anyone know where to find single photos from the photographer?
  9. ridered

    ridered What's an apex?

    us129photos.com They should be up later today or tomrrow. Dave is pretty quick and takes AWESOME shots!
  10. Neveu929

    Neveu929 n00b

    Sounds great, thanks again for the tips and such. Ill deffinitely be making it out again.
  11. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Nope. Ill be at the beach
  12. ink42o

    ink42o n00b

    Did anyone take any video of novice on Saturday?
  13. BamaChick

    BamaChick n00b

    Thank you STT Staff for a GREAT, safe track weekend!!!!!
  14. Neveu929

    Neveu929 n00b

    ive got one session of novice vid, 2nd to last run on sunday. it's mostly behind me though
  15. twistwrist

    twistwrist Permanoob

    ...or Sunday (or Monday, for those of you who stayed)?
  16. Roll Hard Racing

    Roll Hard Racing What's an apex? STT Staff

    anyone see that idiot go off the track at the farmhouse, thru the fence, back to the asphalt road, and back via the front gate?

  17. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    I didn't see nothin'!!!!!

  18. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    I heard about it from a very reliable source! :bounce:
  19. Blue Curvy

    Blue Curvy n00b

    I got a couple sessions in Novice Sunday. I may not get em up for a few days, but I will let ya know when I do.
  20. Derrick

    Derrick Rides with no training wheels

    Great meeting you and your husband. Hope you come ride with us again.

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