Road Atlanta: AMA Chicane or No Chicane

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by mastermindtrev, Jun 16, 2012.


How do you want to run Road Atlanta

  1. AMA Chicane - just like the big kids

    0 vote(s)
  2. No Chicane - it flows better

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't care - I just wanna ride Road Atlanta!!!

    0 vote(s)
  1. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    See what you get for asking for opinions Trevor? :)
  2. teamneon

    teamneon Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    I think running it sat and not running sunday is a good idea. Then we can decide sunday afternoon how the weekend went either way. Time for a new poll and 5 more pages! :)
  3. mag

    mag n00b

    We should be able to decide which way we want to go when we get to the crest of the hill. That should be fun.

  4. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Best idea yet!!!!

    Have both options available and you can decide when you get there. :D
  5. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    Hellz ya!!!
  6. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    In!!! And runnin wide too!!!
  7. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    I've only ridden Road Atlanta 3 or 4 times............Am I gonna need to bring a frickin GPS with me???? :lmao:
  8. pop1

    pop1 Rides with no training wheels

    "turn right 500 feet."

    "turn left 300 feet."

    "missed apex. . . recalculating."
  9. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    I hate it when it says that.....

  10. Dave608

    Dave608 Let's Ride! STT Staff

    But make sure you ignore it if it tells you "Make a U-turn at first opportunity".
  11. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Works great before the Bowl at Tally!!:getdown:
  12. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    ROTFLMAO..............that's funny, I don't care who you are!
  13. Roll Hard Racing

    Roll Hard Racing What's an apex? STT Staff

    Make a legal u-turn where possible..

    Gosh I HATE.that voice.
  14. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    I like it when I get that message about making a U-Turn when im pulling my 41' Toy Hauler. Im like "ok, where is the next empty Walmart parking lot". :D
  15. Boogie Bones

    Boogie Bones Rides with no training wheels

    Hilarious! Also a great way to overtake. Having trouble getting around someone? Wait till they choose the chicane option and zip right by!
  16. Ogre

    Ogre Body, brake, shift, look, lean, believe STT Staff

    Had to do that on I-285 week and a half ago on the way home from Barber when the road was shutdown due to a jack knifed tractor trailer. Then had to go back up the on ramp and make another U turn to get on to I-20. Was not fun. It took all lanes and both shoulders and the truck was just barely touching the front of the trailer and the guard rail was only inches from the front of the truck. Got it done though :)
  17. design-engine

    design-engine What's an apex?

    They should run it the same way wera does so STT folks get to practice and win!
  18. design-engine

    design-engine What's an apex?

  19. teamneon

    teamneon Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

  20. design-engine

    design-engine What's an apex?

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