Road Atlanta: AMA Chicane or No Chicane

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by mastermindtrev, Jun 16, 2012.


How do you want to run Road Atlanta

  1. AMA Chicane - just like the big kids

    0 vote(s)
  2. No Chicane - it flows better

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't care - I just wanna ride Road Atlanta!!!

    0 vote(s)
  1. plwtwo

    plwtwo n00b

    One day of each!! I like without, but the chicane is fun too!!

    New T12 that'll mean we're pitting inside??? Blah!!!!!!

    (And wish vote for old 12, new 12 sucks! Thats why I hate riding with the other guys -New T12/pitting in the hole).
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2012
  2. Roll Hard Racing

    Roll Hard Racing What's an apex? STT Staff

    All of these sections were great fun as part of the original layout, but they have been outgrown. Back in 1997, a full AMA superbike made 160 horsepower and couldn't put it to the ground effectively. That bike was not easily available to a novice or intermediate rider. Today, anyone can go out and buy a bike with 190 horsepower (and the tires and suspension to take advantage of it). As bikes, tires, and suspension evolve, so must the tracks.......nostalgia is great, but only when safety is not compromised.

    Again just my $.02......well maybe $.08:woot:[/QUOTE]

  3. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    Here is a lap around Road Atlanta from 1970. The fences were almost on top of the track and there were plenty of places where you could end up in the trees. Not bikes, but a good view of what it once was.
  4. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Damn T.. I had to drive all the way back there... But here is the Evidence... Now just cancel this Vote OK!!

  5. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    Without getting all nostalgic and crap, no chicane. I long for the day when a track comes along that simulates the gravity cavity. Nothing else like it. Safety wise, chicane. For originality and tradition, no chicane.

    Does that count as two votes?
  6. teamneon

    teamneon Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Perrone, those are mad photoshop (or MS paint) skilz man!
  7. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Whats Photoshop?????:jester:
  8. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2012
  9. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Marc... wholly crap man. Time to upgrade that Atari 2600!!!!!!

    :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

  10. jim1000mc

    jim1000mc n00b

    Although i'm not going to get to be there with yall this time, i would vote for the chicane, both for saftey concerns and racer practice.Even though many track day riders may never race,i can see where being proud of watching an AMA race on tv or such with friends and saying "nah our track days dont run the same in that turn" would make my buddies have comments like " what,they neuter the track for you slow trackday riders ? " .lol a loving bunch they are ! Also , some of STT riders will race or do race and it was a real challenge recently for my first RACE there recently with wera,to get up to speed thru the chicane.Some of us racers proudly represent STT at the races and it would look a little better if we showed up at a track with enough practice of the RACE layout of the track to put on a good showing of how fast STT has made us lol.With that said nostalgia is one thing but saftey is another,and the chicane does reduce speed thru a dangerous area. for those that will miss the old track layout ,you can always use the line "you should have seen us in the old days"anyway have fun everyone and i will see yall sometime soon .
  11. Derrick Cantrell

    Derrick Cantrell Rides with no training wheels

    Just wanted to give you your money's worth, boss!:cheers:
  12. Mika

    Mika n00b

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2012
  13. Ogre

    Ogre Body, brake, shift, look, lean, believe STT Staff

    I say we have a throw down between Cantrell and Perrone :D
    Personally, I would strongly prefer no chicane, but I'll deal with whatever, however grudgingly :)

    THE MUFFIN MAN Rides with no training wheels

    if you so much as get off a hair in that chicane you're gonna bite the dust!! there is ZERO curbing, and ZERO room for error. it would be like running up on a curb if you go offline there. I HATE IT!
  15. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    In!!!! No wait... I like Cantrell... Its the Juggernaught I want!!!:fencing:
  16. Derrick

    Derrick Rides with no training wheels

    Would you guys like some cheese with your w(h)ine?:cry:

    Marc..., don't you know who I am..:pimp:...Cantrell takes care of my light
  17. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    Yeah, I know. I just really miss it. There's nothing else like it.
  18. moto4play

    moto4play Rides with no training wheels

    Safety vs Flow......for a TRACKDAY? REALLY?!?!??

    I also ran Road A with Gravity Cavity. Words will never be able to describe the sheer terror EVERYTIME down into Gravity Cavity! Then add rain into the mix, with a very prominent puddle at the bottom.....while being passed by Kurt hall/Michael Martin/Stevie Patterson/Dave Stanton/et al.
    I was even lucky enough to crash into the bridge abutment on riders left, on the fly, due to bike/mechanic error (me). Although I don't remember it (or the ambulance ride to track medical), witnesses said I took no mercy on any of the hay bales there. And that was on a Suzuki 400 Bandit! Yes I did race it and yes I did qualify for the GNF.
    Anyway, this being a TRACKDAY (or even if it was racing) there is no "flow" that is worth someone's life or limbs...for a TRACKDAY!!!!!
    I love Road A, especially the few lefthanders, and hate that 4 would be taken out of the mix, but doesn't everyone want to hug their wife/husband/kid/parent/grandparent/dog just one more time AFTER crashing going into the esses???
    BTW, those pits in the hole suck also, but that suffering is worth the non suffering after a lowside into the wall on riders left coming out of old turn 12.
    Maybe the best (only) thing to come out of advanced aged, wiseness out-weighing bravado.
    Mr. Moto4Play
  19. JET

    JET Rides with no training wheels

    Maybe we could run the chicane on Saturday and if it becomes a "crashfest" like John Allen of Nesba seems to think, we could have the option to not run it on Sunday.
  20. kman0066

    kman0066 Rides with no training wheels

    I've only run the new setup, but the chicane is fun to me. Not too many chances you get to flip your bike back and forth so quickly. It definitely adds more fun to the course for me for sure. You'll get your speed fix on the long straight-away, might as well enjoy some slow speed turns while you're at it.

    After first racing out there only a couple weeks ago, my little experience says that most of your crashes will be 6, 10, and that order.

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