+++ 2015 Sportbike Track Time Schedule +++

Discussion in 'STT News, Announcements' started by mastermindtrev, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    We'll make a big announcement when it's open... hopefully on NYD or shortly thereafter.

    We're doing a bunch of upgrades to the merchant software so it's a bit of work.....

  2. EvIL TwIn

    EvIL TwIn Entertainment Guru

    I can't wait for 2015!!!

    :getdown: :getdown: :getdown:
  3. Thank you mastermind!
  4. Tiller


    So about the October LED day at Barber that is the week before the GNF....

    Will all I and A riders allowed to sign up for this, or is it only for racers? Or will it be "encouraged" for non-racers to not sign up?

    Just wondering. I am not racing (yet), but would pounce at the opportunity for 30min Advanced sessions. I wouldn't hold people up too bad, I promise :bounce:
  5. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    Seeing that STT is a track day company and not a racing organization I can't picture them excluding people who don't have a race license.
  6. Tiller


    I figured.. Just wasn't sure if it'd be one of those things....

    I'll just use it as practice to get my wife to let me get my license!
  7. steve802cc

    steve802cc Knows an apex

    Why wait? Just do it!
  8. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

    I thought Panoz sold the track to DMG...I'm surprised we get any weekends now.
  9. TeamBeer

    TeamBeer Rides with no training wheels

  10. Its almost time!!
  11. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    I think your right however Skip B is still there bigger than before
  12. JET

    JET Rides with no training wheels

    Surely that's not the complete schedule. Daytona's not even on it. It's good to see VIR back on it though.
  13. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    MotoAmerica isn't hosting Daytona this year, It's ASRA/CCS
  14. Roll Hard Racing

    Roll Hard Racing What's an apex? STT Staff

    Motoamericas first race is at COTA
  15. Rios

    Rios Rides with no training wheels

    When will prices be up?
  16. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    Soon. :)
  17. Rios

    Rios Rides with no training wheels

    This wait is killing me!

    I need to start planning my schedule, tracks days, days off work, distance, people who can make the same days Ill be going, ETC.
  18. PROVERBS254

    PROVERBS254 Rides with no training wheels

    Is it bad if i say i picked up a second job recently picking up trash to support my track habit. Looking forward to March then June till the end of the year.
  19. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Only if your wearing stripes or a bright orange suit...:lmao:
  20. Rios

    Rios Rides with no training wheels

    Im currently looking for a roommate to help my funds

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