06 cbr1000rr trackified!

Discussion in 'For Sale: Bikes, Parts & Gear' started by jimgl3, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. jimgl3

    jimgl3 Rides with no training wheels

    Jan 20, 2009
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    selling for a friend. it's an 06 cbr1000rr with more stuff than i care to try and list here, but some biggies are new pensky triple, fork valves and springs and all set up by computrack for 205 lbs rider...full bazzaz system, even autotune... some kind of fancy red hoses-all of them... red powder coated vortex rearsets... red chain... catalyst bodywork... keyless ignition... spare wheels... new set of 003 race rubber not even mounted yet... lots of spare oem parts... pit bull front and rear... size 48 teknic kangaroo suit... helmet...boots...gloves...etc

    approx 6k miles on the bike

    pick this up and hit the track.

    prefer to sell everything in a package deal, but may be able to work out a few odds and ends

    pm me or email jimgl3 at charter dot net

    photos soon

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