Acc 8/18 and 19

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by bigshow, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. bigshow

    bigshow Rides with no training wheels

    Nick how are we looking on this? I was under impression this was one of those, limited rider days and if we got enough folks to attend it was going to happen. I could be wrong though, I am told it happens all the time.

    I am in for both days.
  2. bmw675

    bmw675 n00b

    I hope it happens too. already in for saturday.
  3. Skurnat

    Skurnat Rides with no training wheels

    In for Saturday. Let's hope.
  4. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    Not looking good. Running a little short. Will give announcement on monday either way.
  5. bmw675

    bmw675 n00b


    Take a look at the forecast, it should be a great weekend.
  6. Aussie

    Aussie Meat Popsicle

    It's not on the "upcoming events" list on the home page. Maybe that will help drive up sales. says it will be epic weather for riding people!
    Is there something going on at Putnam that weekend too? I though I heard you mention that last time I was there?
  7. Gunshow Nick

    Gunshow Nick Northern Director

    no, we are at putnam the following weekend 25/26
  8. PacMan

    PacMan Rides with no training wheels

    Aussie i'm trying hard to put bike back together!What date you are in?
  9. Heineken

    Heineken Rides with no training wheels

    Coming to Indy on the 19th? BTW on the 5th at ACC was that you with the white 675, red truck and black trailer? :))
  10. bmw675

    bmw675 n00b

    no Indy for me, was wanting to ride instead, :wheel: but if all else fails......

    and that was me there on the 4th and 5th. I assume you were with the group along the fence?
  11. Heineken

    Heineken Rides with no training wheels

    No, I didn't ride either days. But I stopped by to visit some friends around lunch time. Every time I was walking by your put you weren't there.
    Are you gonna be back for labor day?
  12. Aussie

    Aussie Meat Popsicle

    Sunday 19th ACC ( maybe the saturday too, but not likley), then sunday at Putnam the next weekend
  13. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Dammitt. 18&19th are the last days I can ride for the year unless they add Barber in November. How many more signups do we need???
  14. 01fxdx

    01fxdx n00b

    i'm in for both. i hope it flies, i used the credit for the june full course day that didn't happen.
  15. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    how many more people do you need for this to happen? Ski
  16. bmw675

    bmw675 n00b

    I was only wanting to do one day, but will sign up for a second if need be. 2 days would be better than no days.
  17. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    I'll try and get @corbenmeyer signed up...

    COBALT COUPE Burnin' Gas & Haulin' A$$

    Nick you have a PM....................I sure hope we get enough riders to have this weekend ( meaning Autobahn on the 18/19th ). Are we close or a mile away from having enough?
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2012
  19. rr1000

    rr1000 Rides with no training wheels

    In for Sunday with 3 friends.
  20. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    Keep 'em comin' people, I wanna RIDE!!!

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