Advancing to Intermediate

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by Chaas67, Jun 22, 2006.

  1. Chaas67

    Chaas67 n00b

    Hello all,

    Long time listener, first time poster.

    After several trackdays in the Novice group, my confidence level rising and the threats of bodily harm from my buddies - I've signed myself up for Intermediate.

    My question - Any words of wisdom from those who have been there done that or instructors on what to be 'aware' of ???

    I'm comfortable with the track that I'm going to, Gratten, and am mentally ready for this next step.... I tend to overthink things but I want to be sure to be a good track participant...

    As a side note - when I rode with STT at Barber, in the afternoon the novice group was run as a heavily monitored intermediate group, with passing on the outside and it was GREAT !! I really hope that this gets done in the other regions too ....

    thanks and kudos on the forum !!!!
  2. Rob

    Rob n00b

    Id say start each session in the back . Then you dont have to think about faster riders flying by .
  3. Kozy

    Kozy n00b

    The biggest issue we hear when someone wants to move up a group is "I do not want to be in the way".


    Ride at your own pace and hold a steady and predicable line. Don't try to get out of anyone's way because you just might be getting into someone else. It is the passing rider's responsibility to make a clean pass (remember 6 foot rule). If you are doing something wrong one of the staff will let you know.

    One more thing have fun.
  4. Lopezj

    Lopezj n00b

    You could also track down an Intermediate insturctor, usually they are all pitted around the same area, and have them follow or lead you around and explain that it's your first day in intermediate. Don't be shy just go up and ask them. That's what they are there for. Use em!
  5. lawdog359

    lawdog359 n00b

    Agreed w/ Kozy and LopezJ... just relax and have fun. Stick to the basics and dont worry about speed or times. Those will come with time. A great way to start the morning is with the single gear drill... I still use that on unfamiliar tracks in the morning and even on familiar tracks to make sure my focus is in the right spot.

    By all means, find a track coach and use them... that is why we are here!! Smooth and predictable is WAY more important than fast in the I group. When are you out again? I would be more than happy to ride w/ you and give some pointers here and there.
  6. I agree with everyone, I was in your position at the first Grattan track day this year.

    I started at the back of the pack (still got passed alot) but as the weekend went buy got passed a lot less.

    Hold your lines and don't worry about what is going on behind you. If your not wearing ear plugs, get some.

    You are about to start having a lot more fun.
  7. Chaas67

    Chaas67 n00b

    Sweet Pea - Great tip - I'll be sure to do that

    Lawdog - I'll be at both days for the Section8 event ( 7/22 & 23) - I'll be sure to look you up and take you up on your offer...

    and a thanks to everyone else - I appreciate the feedback....

    GAWD I can't wait for the end of July to get here !!! :lol:
  8. I'm pretty much in the same predicament right now too. I'm doing group 1 in Novice at Grattan because I've never been there before, but I'm doing my first Intermediate at Mid-Ohio on July 4th. I was already planning on starting off in the back and I'm definitely feeling comfortable with moving up then too. :D . The only thing that I'm worried about is I'm getting a new set of tires on my first day in Intermediate. I'm just curious how long they take to scrub in on the track. I remember the last time I rode on a new set of tires on the street it felt like someone put dishsoap under my tires for a short while.(Definitely takes away the confidence.) I just want to see how long they take to scrub in (Pilot Powers). Input would be nice. Thanks.
  9. DJ Baker

    DJ Baker Rides with no training wheels

    A new set of Pilot Powers will scrub in and warm up in a couple of laps. I went out on a brand new front last year at Mid-Ohio and started floggin' it on the second lap, with a passenger. Powers Rock!

  10. Thanks Dennis. That's good stuff to hear. It sounds like to be safe I will do a couple warm up laps and then..........OH YEAH THE FUN BEGINS!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: and this is what I will look like at the end of the day, but with a grin. :shock: :shock:
  11. K3

    K3 What's an apex?


    Priceless! Sometimes a smiley can be worth a thousand words!

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