*** Announcing Sportbike Track Time's Sunday Free Trackday Raffle ***

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by mastermindtrev, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. twistwrist

    twistwrist Permanoob

    I want to win! :D
  2. newleaf

    newleaf What's an apex?

    what happened to this free drawing?
  3. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    I totally forgot.

    I'm going to make a drawing for this tonight.

    My bad I forgot... I guess I was riding too much!!!!!

  4. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

  5. vickisboytoy

    vickisboytoy BLP Racing

    I like STT, but I don't "like" Facebook.
    I know I'm one of the few, but now I'm feeling pressured. So this is the peer pressure thing I've heard mentioned. Seriously, can't we do something else. I'll put your stickers on my stuff, tell everyone about you, and like you long time. But, I've made it this long without Facebook, but now I feel punished for not being a lemming.
    Me like you long time.
  6. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Yea, a few people told me they weren't facebook people..... so I dropped that requirement. I just draw from the list of sunday registered riders.

    I'll try to do that today.

  7. R/T Performance

    R/T Performance found track bike STT Staff

    So was this just barber or all STT days? Let say Gratten ?LOL
  8. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    LOL.. I think you and I are the only 2 left in the World....:lmao::lmao:

    I am with ya 100%

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