Another tire thread... Mich S2???

Discussion in 'Performance & Technical' started by dc130911, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. dc130911

    dc130911 n00b

    Apr 25, 2006
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    OK... I am actually hoping for some quick responses here, so those with expertise in this field, please feel free to chime in.

    It is that time of the year where I have been seeing deals on the Michelin S2 Pilot Race tires. I run "I" group and am pretty consistent in the mid pack. I have a 2004 GSX-R600 track only bike. Since I stick to primarily the Autobahn and Blackhawk, is this tire worth purchasing at these ridiculously low prices on eBay? Even at these prices and my riding style (or lack there of) shouldn't these tires be well enough for end of and beginning of seasons in the lower temp days as long as they are and have been stored properly?

    Thoughts...concerns... always appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. STT GUY

    STT GUY n00b

    Oct 7, 2005
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    Those tires have build dates of 2002 and ealier....... getting really old and you have no idea of how they have been stored.

    I know the hsitory of these but wont get into it here. Suffice to say these are really old and have been around for many, many years. Have they froze.. maybe more multiple times.... hav the been exposed to 115+ temps and cooked....maybe multiple times.. Storage conditions are important. Our tires never freeze and ae never exposed to temps exceeding 100 or so.

    You will need warmers if you want an S2 rear to hold up more than a session or two.. they cold tear easily unless warmed. The S2 rear was pretty much a sprint/"money" race rear tire. Maybe buy one set and see how they work...?
  3. dc130911

    dc130911 n00b

    Apr 25, 2006
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    Thank You Sir!!!

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