Cycle stand survey - input needed please...

Discussion in 'Product Reviews' started by dc2004600, May 8, 2007.

  1. dc2004600

    dc2004600 n00b

    Mar 13, 2007
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    A good friend of mine is in need of individuals to fill out a simple survey regarding motorcycle stands. His original post is below - I would appreciate it if you just take a couple of minutes and email him for the survey. This will be well worth it in the future. Thanks in advance

    "Need your help and knowledge on this one. I have a six (6) question survey about cycle stands, and I need help to get this done. Just look at a picture and answer the questions. This one minute survey is for a good cause that will become clear once you receive the survey. Protocol requires that the survey originate with me and I email you the survey. please give me a minute of your time and email me for the survey @

    Thank you and Contact me with any questions
    Chris Bischoff aka Sleeping Psycho(03 600rr)
    847 491 9800

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