*** Facts for Barber Motorsports Park: June 11/12 ***

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by mastermindtrev, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    Gates open approx 6:00pm Friday night and stay open til 9:00pm, if you make it in by 9:00pm you can then come 24/7, if you don't make it by 9:00pm gates re-open Sat at 7:00am-9:00pm and Sun 7:00am-5:00pm.

    There is a $5.00 gate fee for all persons 16 years or older entering a Sportbike Track Time event.

    We ride R*** or shine, please come prepared for Southern rain showers.

    You must walk to the Porsche building, pay your gate fee and get your armband before you can get into the paddock.

    If you arrive early please park where the gate guard directs you to park. No drinking of beer or alcohol allowed in parking area's and no changing bike oil in parking area's.

    No glass bottles are allowed in the Barber paddock.

    Camping is available and you pay the track for that.

    Electric is available in the lower pits against the fence and in the upper pits in both sides and you have to pay the track for that, Its cheaper if you split it with your neighbors.

    Tire service will be open Friday night til approx 9:00pm to help you out. Then 7am to 7pm Sat and 7am-3pm Sun. We can now remove and replace your wheels for you if you do not want to get greasy. As usual, we will have our awesome prices on all the Michelin tires.

    Kenny with Superbike Suspension will be here to fine tune your suspension.

    Sign-up opens 7am both days and closes at 10:30am for the day. Please be on time.

    Tech opens 7am and closes 10:30am

    Mandatory riders meeting 8:20am both days, Intermediate riders are first on track at 9am.

    Sorry to say, pets are NOT allowed at Barber.

    Showers are available on the second level.

    Race gas and street gas is available on second level, credit cards only.

    Please keep your area clean and do not leave any race gas cans or tires when you leave.

    We must be out of the paddock by 7:00pm Sunday night.

    Any questions, please post up here.
  2. Ogre

    Ogre Body, brake, shift, look, lean, believe STT Staff

    Are we there yet?!?!?!
  3. PHilpp

    PHilpp n00b

    Start drinking water NOW. It's is going to be very hot. Waiting until Saturday dosn't work.
  4. teamneon

    teamneon Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Good idea!
    And dont forget your fan!

    And bring a small cooler full of ice water and a few wash clothes. Works great in between sessions to cool you off faster.
  5. Tacmedic

    Tacmedic Rides with no training wheels

    I am going to run a liter of IV fluids in on Saturday morning :shock:
  6. STT GUY

    STT GUY n00b

    I regularly ride mountain bikes for 3-4 hours in desert temps in excess of 100 degrees. Hydration more than 24 hours in advance is a waste and you can actually become hyper-hydrated.

    During excercise 22-30 oz per hour of activity is about all the body can process. Monitor you urine color, dark is bad.

    Your humidity down there makes it tough.
  7. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    I regularly chase butterfly's and unicorns in a semi conscious state of confusion. sometimes I don't drink for days on end and everything seems to be ok.
  8. STT GUY

    STT GUY n00b

    You eating those "wild" mushrooms agan?
  9. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    LOL, No, that was in the off season when I was going crazy. Now that riding season is upon us I'm all good! Besides, I hear all the good s#*t is out in the desert.
  10. Ogre

    Ogre Body, brake, shift, look, lean, believe STT Staff

    Thanks dad! :D
  11. Saltman

    Saltman Rides with no training wheels

    True story!! It's burning up here! I feel sorry for you guys in all black suits...
  12. PHilpp

    PHilpp n00b

    You forgot that small detail this time so i felt obligated...
  13. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

  14. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    I drink about two gallons of water every day. The morning of the event I will drink 2 or 3 bottles of water before the first session and the a bottle of water and some Gatorade between sessions. It works pretty good
  15. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    It is gonna be HOTTTT folks.
  16. teamneon

    teamneon Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    what about black and purple? should i be ok? lol
  17. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Black and purple should scare off everything including the heat
  18. sgosselin13

    sgosselin13 Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    He ain't kidding Jimbo. I'm gonna lock his blue suit in the trailer so he has to wear the black and purple one
  19. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Do ittttttttttttt
  20. PHilpp

    PHilpp n00b

    And you're telling us this because???????

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