Little Tally...

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by mksu1dr2, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Around the track girly
  2. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Re: tally

    Pull: drag around the track
    Good choice on the clip ons
  3. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    LOL I dont think you are fast enough at Tally to give me a tow
  4. mamasaun

    mamasaun n00b

    That's what I thought you meant. Don't know, I might be dragging you since it's been a while since you were on the track. LOL Seriously, I'd love for you or anyone else who wants, to work with me. Still got a long way to go, but my goal is to make it into Intermediate next year.
  5. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Karen, Peggy and I both will be coaching in Novice both days at Tally, so if you need or want some help, let any of us.....Jimmy, me, Peggy or any of the other coaches know and we can certainly give you some assistance.
  6. E.Tenn600

    E.Tenn600 n00b

    As always an allstar lineup of coaches, cannot wait.

  7. Bus

    Bus Rides with no training wheels

    Signed up... Birthday is the 8th, so hoping to celebrate at the track!
  8. mamasaun

    mamasaun n00b

    Thanks Vern! That's one thing I have learned, there are more than enough people to give you any help you want, you just have to ask and they are more than happy to do it. By the way, the tag came in and it looks great! We'll have it with us. Thanks for the info!
  9. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Thanks. I should be fine. I hit the gym yesterday and felt good
  10. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    Karen, Glad to hear that the tag worked out for y'all. It sounds like you got him the "perfect" gift. See y'all in a couple of days
  11. pop1

    pop1 Rides with no training wheels

    Should we change your nickname from Jimbo to Hans?


    :D :D :D
  12. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    I'll be there!

    Havin fun!
  13. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    LMAO No
  14. ramm

    ramm yrraL

    What's the gate fee?
  15. VernLux

    VernLux Knows an apex

    $5 for one day or.....wait for it........................$10 for both days!
  16. ramm

    ramm yrraL

    Ugh, I dunno if I can afford that. That's like 1/70 of a set of tires.
  17. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Four Riders???

    I will be hauling 4 bikes and 4 riders, all in the "I" Group! What is the common practice if one goes down with injury? Let the others finish their track day or pack up and find the Hospital?
  18. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Re: Four Riders???

    Odd question to ask. That would be your decision

    Hopefully we won't have to deal with anything like that
  19. Chaotic

    Chaotic Squirrel!

    Re: Four Riders???

    Unfortunately I have been on both sides of that equation. There is no absolute answer because there are alot of variables and it depends on the situation.

    But typically speaking, if it isn't anything major, the others will continue the track day. No sense in everyone missing out on their day/weekend just because 1 person got hurt. Getting hurt is part of the sport and is almost something that should be expected. I know that sounds bad, but it is the truth.

    Of course it all depends on the injury and situation. I wouldnt feel comfortable continuing to ride while my pit buddy is laid up in ICU. But if he "just" broke a finger or sprained ankle or something like that, he can hang out in the pits while everyone else rides.

    In other words, if the person is relatively fine, meaning they can still walk around, hang out in the pits etc, but for some reason they just can't ride...then I would continue the weekend.

    But since there are 4 people in the group, it would be a good idea to discuss it ahead of time to ensure nobody gets butthurt if the situation occurs. Just come to some sort of agreement about whether the remaining riders will continue the weekend or not if something happens.
  20. Jimbo

    Jimbo n00b

    Re: Four Riders???

    Good advice

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