NCM First Impressions

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by tnskydivr, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Whitney Arnold

    Whitney Arnold Run it wide. The grass is a safe place.

    Well, after this thread, and seeing that NCM is only 3hr21min away from my house. It will be on my list next year! Perrone sold me on it!
  2. Supergirl

    Supergirl ugly STT Staff Director

    We had an absolute blast.

    First post is a great summary!!

    Many turns, takes a while to learn, tons of fun.

    If you take your time, you'll have a blast!
  3. Blu Topaz

    Blu Topaz Rides with no training wheels

    I got an opportunity to ride this track yesterday and I have to say, I may have been able to get a lot more speed and be a little more comfortable had I been able to follow one of those awesome staff members. Unfortunately, I was using someone else's machine and wasn't willing to or going to take any chances pushing the envelope! I was moving like a turtle out there compared to everyone else, but I had a ball trying to learn it. I did like the fact that it is a very fast technical track with elevation changes and lots of turns! This was an awesome day for me because I got to experience it with the staff thanks to Richard! This will definitely be a track I will be going back to next year on my own bike this time lol
  4. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

  5. april

    april Rides with no training wheels

    I saw the video from on board that highside (at least I am pretty sure it's the same crash) and the bike stopped sliding before it even touched the tire wall.

    PS- It was a very nice surprise to see you there, Blu! Hope you can make it down to our neck of the woods some more next year :)
  6. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    You are correct, but it was within a foot or so as I rode by it.
  7. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    But the rider was 50 feet from the wall....:thumb:
  8. steve p

    steve p What's an apex? STT Staff

    It's all relative to speed, Marc
  9. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    Marc - correct. That's not the corner that concerns me - I think the one that worries me most is the high speed right in the back...while it's wide and no real reason to crash, it's asphalt all the way to the wall...and someone DID make it to the wall out of Deception yesterday....
  10. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    I will just say that this track WILL be stiff competition to Barber of being the premiere track in the East when done... Keep in mind that this was built with preparation for change.. Speaking with Management there yesterday (Josh) they are aware of the changes needed and will act on those changes starting this winter.... Armco, Airfence, Tires, Bales, Paint surface on Rumbles, ect they will be working on these this as the BIG winter project in the off season... This is definietly no AMP... They have Money, Capital and plenty of funding and Investors. My cousin who was there is in the Chamber in Bowling Green and Warren County , he told me the City of Bowling Green are all in favor of making this place good for all Motorsports... Go Karts, Cars and Bikes... They will be running Go Karts on the full course next year as well and alot of the run off changes are being made to accomadate more room for them... And yes we all know they corner a hell of alot faster than any of us... I was a little concerned as well after the sighting session however I knew better than to ride at 100% there... AT THIS POINT!! Anyhow I am still having a blast just thinking about yesterday....
  11. Tiller


    Yea I can't wait to see what is done to it over the winter to address the concerns for bikes, karts, etc...

    Anyone have an idea of when they will have power completed?
  12. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Then you'll hate NCM. Twenty turns every two minutes.

    But if making three turns into one at full pin and then trail braking your ass off is what you're into.... HELL YES! NCM, Baby!
  13. Knolly

    Knolly What's an apex?

    Second novice session out on Saturday we had the historic first crash ever. Rider was fine, I chatted with him a bit and he was icing his foot, and he rode again on Sunday:
  14. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    Full pin and trail braking in the same sentence! I'm sold! :lmao:
  15. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    Not really. It is similar sounding to Grattan and Miller in that while techinical in parts there is also a fairly long straight were you can tuck and 'reset' a bit :cheers: The time you are straight up and down and not moving on the bike is very short for me and I suck :sorry:

    I am actually really looking forward to trying NCM. It is a little further than Barber but still under 3 hours so close (probably about the same time as TGP for me)
  16. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Is it me or is every video I see from MCRA no one is off the seat whatsoever... Do they have classroom instruction on technique ect?
  17. JET

    JET Rides with no training wheels

    We noticed this while we were at the fence watching the MCRA guys. We couldn't understand it either. The CR's were a little better, but not much.
  18. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    No instruction. They have control riders, not coaches - a little different mentality. A lot of people didn't trust the surface, especially in the morning sessions which kept many from pushing it. remember, MCRA is a non-profit club, not a for-profit business enterprise. I will compliment them though, even though a club atmosphere, they had very few crashes/incidents. Oh, and if you crash, if not hurt they don't throw the red flag - you sit out there until the session is over and THEN they come get you and your bike, so you get to sit there and think about what you did while everybody else goes by...
  19. Knolly

    Knolly What's an apex?

    They're not as development-focused as STT. At most of the events someone leads a Novice classroom session but he wasn't able to make it to NCM. A lot of the control riders (although definitely not all of them) will go out of their way to help people out and coach them though.

    Also that's the novice group in the second session at a new track, so take that how you will.
  20. Zaph

    Zaph Mmmm fish n chips

    I'm guessing no, hahah. All these videos I'm watching I can't help but think: holy crap dudes, hang off at least a little. The knee goes out about 4" and the butt doesn't move.

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