New Generation Chest Protectors...

Discussion in 'Performance & Technical' started by IL8APEX, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. IL8APEX

    IL8APEX STT Northern *****er STT Staff

    No, I'm not talking about the Bohn or others available through STG.

    I noticed a shot of WSBK rider, maybe Corser(?), in the pits this weekend on TV. He was coming in from a session and sat down in his pit, threw down the zipper on his suit and peeled out a floppy layer of some Carbon/Kevlar looking material he was wearing underneath. I rewound it a couple of times to make sure I saw what I thought I saw, and here's a photo of another rider with a similar device:

    (thanks SuperBikePlanet!)

    So, what do you guys make of this? Protective enough?

    I'm curious to see if companies start offering these soon.

  2. ilikebikes

    ilikebikes Rides with no training wheels

  3. ilikebikes

    ilikebikes Rides with no training wheels

  4. SlowSteve

    SlowSteve STT track day participant

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