Off Season Conditioning

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by gigantic, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    I'm curious as to what everyone here does to stay in shape in the winter for the upcoming riding season. I plan to do a lot of swimming, but i'd love to hear other suggestions.


  2. Mark R1

    Mark R1 n00b

    Drink lots of beer and go to the Kareoke bars as much as possible. :lol:
  3. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    many reps of 12 oz. curls. gotcha! :wink:
  4. crash1

    crash1 Rides with no training wheels

    ride Jenning GP :wink:
  5. Dan-O

    Dan-O n00b

    I'm with G. Head to where its warm and ride.

  6. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    that would be swell, but i'd rather use the off season to save for next year. While it can take an SV650 or a poorly ridden Duc, my beemer isn't exactly a great track bike, so i'll stay up here, freeze my butt off and save $$$ for next season. so, seriously, does anyone do anything when they're not riding to stay iin shape for the track????
  7. Rob

    Rob n00b

    I just got into mountain bikes,Not that fast but I feel good after .I have a kayak too .Neither are getting put away this winter .Maybe run some 5 0r 10ks.I used to do Triathalons 20 years and 40 pounds ago .

    Did the gym thing a couple years back, cant justify 75 bucks a month just so I can swim .

    omg I think Im a post hor
  8. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    Rob, check out the memberlist: You're the #1 poster; that makes you a post ho alright!

    I used to mtn bike too, until i moved to michigan. believe it or not, here it's actually safer to ride a motorcycle on the streets, than a bike. i got hit twice the fall i moved here and put the bike away for good. besides, i was completely destroying my knees. for that same reason, i don't run much anymore either.
  9. Rob

    Rob n00b

    Saturday I was in the woods (on the bike )and two deer ran accross the path .How a deer with a 30 inch rack gets through the brush like that is amazing .Still safer than the street .They were huge ,my dog even backed off ,and she chases everything . :shock:
  10. wkrrider

    wkrrider n00b

    Ride my mountain bike some, pushups, pullups, benchpress, ab excersises and walk as much as possible.
  11. Nick.Desautels

    Nick.Desautels Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    Hello ALL!!! This is my first post. How is everyone coping with the long winter.

    About conditioning, I try to hit the gym up as much as possible, keep the cardio going, and do some lifting. Ice racing is a good training tool if the ice would stay frozen. I try to blast around on the MotoCross bike as much as possible. I got pretty muddy last weekend. There are a couple places to do indoor flattrack racing in Illinois as well.
  12. I started back at the gym this week after a few months of slacking off.

    My legs are KILLING ME today! Probably shouldn't have jumped back in with the same weights after such a long hiatus. :roll:

  13. svpauly

    svpauly What's an apex? STT Staff

    I play roller hockey 1-2 times a week for 10-12 wks at a time w/ a couple weeks off between seasons. Also been looking at buying an elliptical machine for home for a bit more cardio.
  14. Rob

    Rob n00b


    I know there is a high dollar bet between Whyslack and Bart

    Whyslack has to lose 40 big ones :| by March or pay up .The $$$ amount is so high I am afraid to post it .Hope Whyslack likes rice cakes
  15. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    do tell, rob. inquiring minds want to know... :twisted:
  16. Whyslack

    Whyslack n00b

    Holy chit... It's all over the place I was hoping nobody knew!!!

    Whats up Robo?

    I've already lost 17 I run 5 miles a day no sugar or bread. Thats it so far. Beginning feb My diet will be way more serious. Ohh yeah I do 100 floors on the stair master once a week with the running, also do spin classes 2 times a week.
  17. Rob

    Rob n00b

    Wow ,Thats insane !

    Another Bit not too many people heard about was Bart ran the Chicago Marathon,and finished it .
  18. yzl337

    yzl337 n00b

    run 6 days a week usually, differing mileages, usually between 4-6 miles, minimum of 25 miles a week

    MWF circuits

    10 regular pushups

    10 situps

    10 wide pushups

    10double crunches

    10 diamond pushups

    10 oblique crunches, each side

    repeat the above at least 5 times, I usually go until failure, and I do the abs every day

    I try to eat somewhat decently, no snacks, sodas, etc, now if this would only translate into actual speed at the track :?
  19. The only track that really kicks my butt is Grattan, especially those LED days running double sessions with Dave Gray (worlds fastest human) can be a challange or chasin' Dennis Baker doin' Grattan backwards, (now that's livin' folks). I'm over 40 and I try to run every other day 3-5 miles. I work out weight lifting to strengthen my upper body, abdominals and a little leg work 3-4 days a week. I eat whatever the hell I want, slam a couple Monsters in the morning and some Muscle Milk at lunch to cut down on recovery time. It's what works for me.
  20. endo600cc

    endo600cc Rides with no training wheels

    I've been using the nice days we've had lately as excuses to go ride my road bike .. when its too cold/wet/whatever out, I through it in the trainer and ride inside. I already have close to 200 outdoor miles this year and its only been nice a handful of times... not sure how many indoor.

    I figure using the pedal bike must be helping for the moto bike :p

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