STT Noob here

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by Goobr, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. Goobr

    Goobr n00b

    New to STT, not new to motorcycles and road racing. Just wanted to introduce myself to you folks.

    Hi, my name is Ben and I'm a motorcycle-holic. Really, 45 year "boy" livin' in Lakeland, Fl now. Born and raised in Perry, Ga. For Christmas when I was 8 years old, Daddy got me a Honda Mini-trail 50. With-in 2 hours after breakfast that Christmas morning I had a ramp built in the back yard and Mama was havin' a heart attack. :D

    Ex WERA roadracer #726 from back in the early 80's on an Interceptor and I'm just now gettin' back on the track. I started back last year at Roebling Road with Frank Kinsey Racing School and have done 10 or so track days since then with my last one being at Jennings GP on Feb 20.


    I also have a 2003 ZRX1200R that's undergoin' some major front end changes now that I ran last year. Here's a pic from Hallet Motor Circuit just outside of Tulsa, OK. It was taken at the ZRXOA National Rally.


    Anyway, just wanted to say hello and I sure am lookin' forward to my first track day with STT at Barber on Mar 18 and 19. And lookin' forward to meetin' the STT folks here on this board.

    I'll be the old phat phart with the Hawaiian shorts on. :shock:

    Please come up and introduce yourself. I love meetin' folks.

    Ya gotta really nice board here and I'm lookin' fwd to meetin' a lot of ya. :D
  2. jigmoore

    jigmoore Guest

    i'm a 38yr old ex wera racer....i'll be at barber too.

    look for an rv with michigan plates hauling a black trailer with 'heavy penny racing' on it. there'll be a beer there waitin for ya.

    edit: btw...i'm planning on getting an r1 (not an le) just like yours at the end of the season. schweet bike and colors.
  3. Rob

    Rob n00b

    welcome ,always nice to see someone older than myself !
  4. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    Welcome Goobr,

    Nice to see someone as big as myself... :lol:


  5. Goobr

    Goobr n00b

    Us big boyz gotta stick together. They might think we're back markers but a lotta of 'em get surprised. :twisted:

    Sweet Pea,, ain't that the truth! My best bud is older than me and that's the only reason he's my best buddy. :mrgreen:

    jig,,,, lookin' fwd to it man. I'll def look ya up. I'll be in a 01 Subaru Outback pullin' an 06 R1. Yellow of course. I might even have a little chilled "Grey Goose" in the cooler. [​IMG]

    The "extras" for next weekend are just icing on the cake. I'm stoked. [​IMG]

    Thank-you for the welcome. :D

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