Thanks STT

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by bike1916, Oct 21, 2018.

  1. bike1916

    bike1916 Rides with no training wheels

    Jul 24, 2009
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    I just want to say a big Thank You to STT, the forum moderators, Nick and everyone I've ever met doing track days with STT.

    I just sold my motorcycle here on the Forum and just want to say what a much better experience it was reaching out to those in the STT community, my extended family, to sell the bike. I recently had to sell a car, and I tried my luck with auto trader dot com.... it was miserable. My first and only three replies were scammers trying to steal my money or identification. Word of warning to anyone using auto trader: read your replies and beware. If something sounds suspicious, know that your are not the first person they have tried to scam and there is lots of information on the auto trader website and google about the methods these scammers use.

    So again, STT, thanks for providing a place for motorcyclists to meet and share their passion for riding.

    I do hope to do track days again in the future, but it won't be the near future. I may stop by Autobahn just to say hello if I don't get another bike soon.

    R/T Performance likes this.

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