Who's ready for some Grattan therapy this weeken???!!?

Discussion in 'STT Northern' started by BigCountry1125, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. cwcb08

    cwcb08 Rides with no training wheels

    She knows I love my bikes and wont try and take that from me, just dont take me home in peices or she will be pissed at us both for next saturday ( id look funny in a tux and wheelchair ) :lmao:

    I'll be there this saturday and sunday :thumb:
  2. R6 Forever

    R6 Forever Need more Grattan

    I have a lot of cw but few ccw...this is what i don't like ccw

    The bustop is not kind if you blow the turn, runoff is small, and 3 is a stupid climb which did not bond with me.... I liked the stupid dive better.
  3. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    Yeah, you blow the bus stop CCW by just a little bit and your headed right for the grass, but I did like climbing the hill on 3 and by far loved the speed I could carry getting onto and off the front straight!
  4. Booma

    Booma What's an apex?

    Yep, learned that the hard way when I brought my Speed Triple to a CCW day there. Came into bus stop too hot, braked late, forks collapsed (OEM springs are weak on the Triple), lost the front end and low sided. Bike slid 40 ft off into the grass.....
  5. GinoMachino

    GinoMachino Rides with no training wheels

    I can't go :cry: I am moving :frusty:
  6. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    well.. let the danglers drop and jump it the other way.. its mo betta becuase you do a reverse jump :D

    I love the track either direction, however i feel safer going CW than CCW.. just me
  7. furytom

    furytom Back on Track

    Move next weekend MAN! Bad timing dude!:wheel:
  8. CHINO52405

    CHINO52405 Rides with no training wheels

    I've only ever done CCW and I thought we got along...I was even doing my first wheelies over the jump in the rain.

  9. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff

    Your doing something wrong. I don't think your supposed to be laying on the track. :jester:
  10. screws4068

    screws4068 Rides with no training wheels

    He's taking a break, it is tiring doing track days?
  11. CHINO52405

    CHINO52405 Rides with no training wheels

    Turns out they wave an angry red flag at you if you try to rest there. I was just trying to enjoy some of that Pure Michigan relaxation I hear so much about.
  12. T_Town_Tom

    T_Town_Tom Rides with no training wheels

    You didn't have to go to such extreme lengths to get a pic of me.
  13. Ohio_1199DUC

    Ohio_1199DUC Knows an Apex when he sees one STT Staff


    just Saying! :LMAO:
  14. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    oh i get along with it just fine, but there are a few area's i'm not fond of, like the bus stop or that guardrail coming on to the straight.. those two area's can go wrong quickly
  15. CHINO52405

    CHINO52405 Rides with no training wheels

    The Superman comparison works. According to people behind me, I may have held on for a bit long out of disbelief.
  16. skidooboy

    skidooboy titainum plate tester

    dont forget your extra cash, gate fees went up. plan accordingly. Ski
  17. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    Oh man don't bring that up again ppl get angry over $5 lol
  18. Iceman

    Iceman Rides with no training wheels

  19. What hotels are everybody staying at? It's my first time out there, looking for a place to stay.
  20. flylikechris

    flylikechris Wait, how tall are you?

    I've stayed at the American Inn & Suites in Iona, about 20 minutes from the track. Unfortunately there is not much nearby.

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