Barber Barbecue Body-count

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by gigantic, Mar 1, 2007.

  1. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    I'll be bringing the smoker along and making Q for saturday evening & I'd like to get a show of hands as to who's interested.

    Tentatively, the menu will consist of:

    BBQ'd pulled roast pork

    Leg of Lamb, organic & grass fed from my father's farm in Iowa

    Home made "Booze Beans"- baked beans with maple, beer & rum in the sauce. K3's favorite!

    Home made cole slaw.

    possibly: collard greens

    who's stayin for dinner?

  2. johnbryer

    johnbryer n00b

    I'll be around. 8)
  3. bikoman

    bikoman n00b

    Damn Lance, I wish I was going........ :cry:
  4. johnbryer

    johnbryer n00b

    Lance, Julia will be with me too.

    She's going to make a few trays of brownies for some dessert. :D
  5. So are you doing Barbeque at Beaverun too? :D :D If you do on Memorial Day weekend COUNT ME IN ON THAT ONE!! :p You're food smelled pretty darn good last time I smelled it. By the time I got there it was gone :x :lol:
  6. Lance, come back to Grattan, I?m starving
  7. DJ Baker

    DJ Baker Rides with no training wheels

    That would almost be worth the 25hr drive from Phoenix.
  8. K3

    K3 What's an apex?

    Two things. First, Lance has to buy all that stuff you're eating, so you damn well should flip him as much money as you'd pay down the road to eat in a resturant. Been to a grocery store lately? They guy's not trying to make money on the deal, but it would be really cool if JUST ONCE he broke even....

    Second thing. I hope all you Barber riding, Lance's BBQ eating, smugly satisfied butt bumpers get INDIGESTION! How DARE you have that much fun without me? :cry:
  9. Lord Duckhunter

    Lord Duckhunter Rides with no training wheels

    I'd love to join in & will gladly throw some dollars your way for the cause!

    If ya see this guy around my trailer though he's not for dinner :lol:

  10. tscriggins

    tscriggins n00b

    Sound like an great spread, I'll be there and throw some cha-ching your way. It'll be my first Barber track day I must pay homage and respect !
  11. wdavis009

    wdavis009 Rides with no training wheels

  12. kylbie

    kylbie n00b

    i'll be there
  13. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    Ooh, Squab, I've never done them before... I wonder if they're like the quail i roasted @ BeaverRun last fall?
  14. bikoman

    bikoman n00b

    Squab, New York's free range *Chicken*:shock:.

  15. Well, if I ever get to eat some of you're food I'll pitch in for sure!!!!! Also, about that "Squab". I've never eaten one, but I am a bit of the hillbilly type. Get me hungry enough and I will eat one :lol: :lol: . I've already eaten squirrel, rabbit, deer, turkey, dove, ect :p ............It all taste fine to me :D .
  16. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Rides with no training wheels

    No scorching me or passenger sheep either (except on track)
  17. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    so much for the leg of lamb, then... :lol:

  18. It's not the guy doing the cooking you have to worry about......It's the one doing the harvesting :wink: :twisted: :lol: !!!!!!! Good thing you're not really a sheep. I love lamb chops :lol: 8)
  19. gigantic

    gigantic n00b

    I have 8 confirmed so far. Who else?
  20. johnbryer

    johnbryer n00b

    Lance, there should be 3 in my group.

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