National Corvette Museum Motorsports Park

Discussion in 'STT Southern' started by talent46, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. J-moges

    J-moges Rides with no training wheels

    Agreed, east seems like it would be like VIR South. Fun and short, which turns into not fun and crowded...:rant:
  2. The Corvette Loop is for the ALMS team to practice for LeMan. They have duplicated the Porsche Curves. It will be insanely fast. And, only for the Corvette team
  3. Shamrock

    Shamrock What's an apex?

    Also remember, this track (all layouts) is NOT flat!
  4. SL500

    SL500 n00b

    Looks like fun, and the best thing.....close!
  5. nicotine

    nicotine Rides with no training wheels

    Okay, there needs to be a motorcycle event at this track the weekend following a Barber event, so I can drive down to Barber from Chicago, do that weekend, drunkenly wander the Bourbon Trail for a week, and then hit this before driving back home.

    Make it happen!
  6. CHINO52405

    CHINO52405 Rides with no training wheels

    <-- would attend
  7. Shamrock

    Shamrock What's an apex?

    <---will attend, lives 2 hours away. :D
  8. mastermindtrev

    mastermindtrev camping in turn 2... STT Staff Director

    I would like to confirm that we DO have dates lined up at this track - and I am VERY much looking forward to riding there!!!!

  9. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    Awesome!! It's a 5hr drive from me :)
  10. Liquidsilver

    Liquidsilver What's an apex?

    :getdown: ME! :getdown:
  11. tnskydivr

    tnskydivr Shut up and Jump! STT Staff

    Great news Trevor!!!
  12. win979

    win979 STT Staff STT Staff

  13. Stephen81

    Stephen81 Rides with no training wheels STT Staff

    YES a southern track that isn't 5hrs or more away!!!
  14. Tiller


    I couldn't find their planned open date anywhere?
  15. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Finally!! Another Southern track for me thats exactly 5 Hours away!!! Well worth it!! Cant wait...:thumb:
  16. TreyYoung


    This is going to be great. 50 miles from me, can't wait.

    Are we talking a 2014 opening?
  17. Cincy600

    Cincy600 n00b

    I can't wait! 3.5 hours away. I've never been to a trackday where nobody has ridden the track before. I'm voting for the grand full course configuration.
  18. nicotine

    nicotine Rides with no training wheels

    I think I heard Labor Day weekend, 2014
  19. CHINO52405

    CHINO52405 Rides with no training wheels

    Memorial Day sounds better to me - maybe we could suggest that to the developers...? :bounce:
  20. april

    april Rides with no training wheels

    Hi Patrick! Got you beat, I am only 40 minutes away :cheers:

    I am sooo looking forward to this opening! :woot:

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