Stay Fit & Be Consistant

Discussion in 'STT General Discussion' started by House-83, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. kanwisch

    kanwisch n00b

    I'm a long-term P90X(and P90X2) guy; 3 years constantly. Depending on your circumstances, might be tough to schedule in consistently though. Minimum of an hour per workout and the program (original) is 6 days. P90X2 is 5 days. I never did resistance training before this but decided I wanted something clearly difficult with anecdotal proof of success.

    For riding, it certainly has had some effect, especially the focus on the hip flexors which get WORKED on Legs and Back night. Ab workout ensures the pain continues 15 minutes longer.

    There are lots of "modifications" to the workout parts for injuries but knees would be a weak point since there's lots of work with them. My wife's big issue is that she likes to be "all in or not in" but that costs when you get (old and) hurt.

    Comes with a good diet guide, which makes a big difference too if you can put down the pop and fast food burgers/fries. Could write all day with tips but you get the jist.
  2. X

    X STT Staff STT Staff

    I tend to disagree with that.

    Beer makes a fantastic recovery beverage.
    Same with chocolate milk...

    If you drink 12 chocolate milk every night... you are likely to have similar side effects, minus the achol poisoning part...
    I say that as a person that has competed in an Ironman and did not remove beer from his diet.

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
  3. Mott Power

    Mott Power Rides with no training wheels

    I had lost a lot of my athleticism in the past two years, just being unmotivated and working all the time. And at 25 years old and seeing some guys at track days in MUCH better shape and usually older than me, I realized I needed to start doing something. I would be so sore the next day of a session that I really couldn't move. I also have a metal rod in my left femur thanks to a drunk driver that makes it a little more difficult for me some days. In fact, usually after the first session of every track day as soon as the pit flags come out and my adrenaline comes down, my leg shoots with pain - badly.

    I want to do a lot more track days next season and realized I need to get in shape for it. My friend who is a trainer has taken me under his wing to help me get in shape and it has already helped out a ton, mainly focusing on joints and overall muscle strength.

    And for this sport you really have to focus on every key muscle in your body - they all work together when your out on the track. Just working arms/upper body and running, although good for you, can keep you from focusing on other key aspects like your obliques or dorsi's that are continually being worked at a more technical track.

    Just my little two cents.
  4. OBcbr

    OBcbr Keep Calm and Throttle On

    Beer is full of carbs, carbs are energy. So drink beer before a workout and you'll have more energy.
  5. lil_j

    lil_j n00b

    my workout is going to work. Average day I lift 15,000-18,000 pounds in 8 hours...

    But I do need to start working out again, I was doing crossfit training for a little bit and I may start that back up again
  6. kanwisch

    kanwisch n00b

    I play somewhat competitive volleyball and have injured my rotater cuff by having imbalanced muscles and overworking the lesser ones. Balance is critical to avoiding injury (in addition to proper form, of course). Leaned that too late, myself.

    As for post-workout, I fully agree with X on the chocolate milk. Marathoners have used it for a long time and it really helps diminish next-day soreness.
  7. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Just got done riding 14 Miles in the cold wet rain..... Well worth it IMO.... My goal is to drop 30Lbs by the next weekend... At the track that is...
  8. j_fuggin_t

    j_fuggin_t Track Addict

    mine is 25lbs which would put me at 155.. i stopped drinking monsters and already lost 3 lbs :eek:
  9. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    I don't do sodas at all.... Only red bull with another unknown mixer at the Dropping 30 wil put me at 215""
  10. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    I seriously wonder what the effects of a daily Monster or Red Bull habit are on the body. Can't be good.
  11. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    I find that raw honey gives me a HUGE burst of energy within just a few minutes. I take a small tub of natural peanut butter mixed with a ton of honey to every track weekend. Dip a couple pretzels in that between every session and I'm ready for anything!
  12. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Rides with no training wheels

    I'm glad my problems are gaining weight and not trying to lose it :)
  13. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    Heck just Pit with us... We will take care if that issue...:thumb:
  14. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Rides with no training wheels

    haha, clean weight. That's my excuse for how ever much food I eat at least :)
  15. House-83

    House-83 n00b

    I'm the same way I tried for sooo long to get over 155 and it just won't happen so I figured might as well get on a horse or motorbike. Horses scare me.
  16. dmason53

    dmason53 What's an apex?

    I've been good the last couple weeks about running a mile 5 days a week and working out for 4. Showing results, my dress slacks are fitting loosely again.

    Diet is under control since the holidays, too, so that helps.
  17. Zepp

    Zepp STT Staff

    I run outside 6 miles every other day, in a very hilly area where I live. Then the other days of the week are spent in the gym lifting weights. Also, been doing some dieting too.
  18. Spazz

    Spazz Unlimited

    My sister is a personal trainer and coach for Beach Body (the maker of p90x and insanity)
    If anyone wants to try it I can get you in touch with her. She's literally done every product they make. She's a beast. Lol
  19. TLR67

    TLR67 Cheers! STT Staff

    I woke up to a 65 degree morning... I threw the sx650 standup jet ski in the lake and rode for about a hour and. Half...fishermen looked at me like I was a nut... Water was chilly but worth the workout..god I love the south..
  20. Brett

    Brett What's an apex?

    Should have called me. I almost took the boat out this morning.

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